Chapter 16

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Beomgyu was now laughing and waiting for Yeonjun's reaction..

He stood up and extended his arms to get Beomgyu's hand..

But he ran away as fast as the light speed..

_Hey U ... SToP TherE..

Beomgyu was laughing, trying to run on the sands ..  He fell down then tried to get up..

But Yeonjun arrived throwing himself next to him and grabbing him by his wrists..

he then moved his body on top of beomgyu trying to trap him


_Why're u closing ur eyes squeezing them so hard?... I'm not gonna hit u or sth...heh..

Asked Yeonjun from above Beomgyu.. Looking down at him .. wearing a happy smile...

_U won't?.. haha.. it's become a habit i guess

Beomgyu stopped moving and struggling for getting himself out of Yeonjun's hold..

They where closer to the hospital .. So there were lights, and he could now completely see Yeonjun's face...


All of a sudden ..all gyu could think of was that

if they were to kiss in that situation, it'd be a whole 'nother story from doing it in that dark little room...

He felt so embarrassed thinking about such thing..

He turned his head aside in a quick move to make his hair fall on his face and cover it..

Yeonjun let go of him and moved away quickly..

_Sorry.. Did I hurt u?

_No.. I'm fine..
U're too soft sometimes. .. I wonder if u used to get bullied back in school.. hehe

Said Beomgyu now sitting on the sand, brushing the sand off his clothes.

_Heh.. Well that's a pretty wrong assumption...


4:45 am

They both went back in, and fell asleep right away...


10:25 am

Beomgyu opened his eyes, then stretched himself and yawned...

The room was empty .. And he felt a sudden fear for a short moment...

Is he gone?... He thought..

He got up from the bed and went to the door. He opened it a little and peeked outside..

He saw the nurses and the doctors walking through the corridor ..

He was staring at one corner, and didn't see Yeonjun coming from the other side..


Said Yeonjun tilting his head looking at him from the gap..

Beomgyu was startled and gasped ..

_Ah...U scared the hell out of meee...

He opened the door and stepped aside for Yeonjun to come in..

_Where were u... and what are these?..

He said pointing at the bandage on his hands ..

_And this ..

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