Let Me Love You(Unitil You Learn To Love Yourself)

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You are at the park with your best friends working on a project.

“Look we need to get this because-” you get cut off

“Y/n why don’t you want to go with Roc?He’s a good guy.” she asks with concern

“”I told you already, I don’t want to end up with a broken heart again, Janae” you tell her

“”But he’s not going to hurt you, he told me and he really likes you.” she explains to you

“I know but-” you get cut off again

“Do you like him?”she asks

You take a minute to reply.

“Yes I do a lot.” you answer her

“Ha! I knew it.”she said jumping around

After you said Roc starts walking towards you and Janae with Prince,Ray,and Prod.They came to the park to get a little game of Basketball.

“Isn’t that the girl you like? But she always turning you down.”Prod asked

“Yup that’s her.”He answers

“”Is she with Janae? I can’t really see” He asked

“Yes.”Ray replied

The boys approach you both

“Hey y/n, Hey Janae.” They say

“Hey” you both answer

“Hey Janae can I talk to Y/n for a minute?” Roc asks

“Sure Roc.”she says getting up”Come on Prod,Ray and Prince let’s go and play basketball.” she says as she is bouncing the ball

They leave

“Listen Y/n”

“I’m listening” you say while you are blushing

“”I know you’ve been hurt.Much as you blame yourself you cant be blamed for the way that you feel.” he says

“I know but I don’t want a broken heart……again”you sigh

“Look, you had no example of a love that would be even remotely rea.” He looks into your eyes

“This may sound funny, but its just too much for me and I kind of told myself that I wouldn’t get that deep in love.” you start to tear

“Hey don’t cry.”he tells you”How  can you understand something that you never had?”

“I don’t know.” you say wiping your tears

“”oh baby if you let me I can help you out with all of that.”

“You can?” you ask as with a serious look on your face

“”Girl let me love you, And I will Love you until you learn to love yourself,I know your trouble, don’t be afraid, girl let me help, a heart numbness gets brought to life I’ll take you there.”

“I’m not sure about that.I was in so much pain.But more importantly how can I trusts another damn guy , especially one who wouldn’t hurt but they still wind up hurting me?”

“Well, I can see the pain behind your eyes it’s been there for quite a while.”

“How can you tell?”

“Well you look worried about finding love, ok a guy that isn’t like the last one.”

“Yup exactly.”

“I would Like to show you what true love can really do.”he continues” Do you like me as as much as I like you?’ he asks

“Yes I do, I like you a lot.”You give him an answer”Did I just confess that.” you thought to yourself.

“Do you want to go out with me?” he asked nervously waiting for your answer”please don’t say no again.” he mumbles”Let me love you baby.” he continues

With out hesitation you say”Yes.”

“You hug and kiss him.

“Let’s go Y/n!!!!.” Janae, Prod,Prince and ray cheer

“They are so weird.” you say

“Wow, we can’t get any time to ourselves,Were ya watching us this whole time?”

“Yup. “Hell no you can’t get any privacy.”

“Let’s go play Basketball.” Roc says as he pulls you by you arm

“Ok” you say

Song of Inspiration: Let Me Love You(Until You Learn To Love Yourself)


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