Russian Roulette

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Your best friend committed suicide a few days ago and your starting to think thoughts you never thought of before. Roc was on his way home.

"Take a breathe take it deep."you say to yourself as you looked at the gun."Take the gun and count to three." you continued as attempted to pick the gun up but instead you just sat there and looked at it.

You decided to walk upstairs into the bedroom and reminiscing about your best friend. When you gut up there you started throwing things and attempted to cut your hair

"I miss you so much." you said as you looked at his picture"It all because you were gay." you scoffed"They bullied to the point where you had to kill yourself, I wish I was there to stop it." you continued"No time to think,its my turn to go."

Roc came home.

"Y/n!"he yelled all through the house

You didn't respond.

"Baby!" he yelled as he started walking upstairs."Y/n what are you do- Where did you get a gun from?" he asked in complete shock

"I'm going to kill myself."you say quietly

"What?I didn't hear you." he said

"I'm going to kill myself." you repeated

"Why would you do that?"he asked

"Because if you play you play for keeps." you said as you started sweating and heart staring beating fast"You can see my heart beating, you can see it through my chest."

"No baby I understand what you are going through but I can help you get through this tough time." he says

"No you don't understand." you say as you grab the scissors

"You can't kill yourself I don't care." he says as he tries to take the gun

"Don't touch me." you snapped"Say a prayer to yourself He said close your eyes, sometimes it helps." you say as you put your finger on the trigger

"No don't do it." he begged

"Every time I attempt to pull the trigger I get a scary thought." you continued"I should have been there to stop him.Its all my fault."

"No its not."

"When I think about I can see as my life flashes before my eyes, I know that I will never see another sunrise." you looked at him

"You have too many people that love to make you want to kill yourself."Roc got closer to you.

"Back up!" you yelled"So many won't get the chance to say good-bye,but its too late to think of the value of my life." you say"Roc,so just pull the trigger."

"I'm not pulling the trigger." he yelled

You shot the gun and Roc fell to the floor crying.

"Baby!No!" he began screaming on the top of lungs

You get up and start crying Roc ran towards you and he saw that you didn't shoot yourself.

"Nooo I can't do it I can't kill myself." you cried and you kept repeating those words

"That's good baby I need you here with me." he held you tighter

"I'm terrified but I'm not leaving." you cried harder as Roc held you tighter

Song Of Inspiration:Russian Roulette


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