2. i'm so proud of you

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 14

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 4 6 4



y/n's pov:

I was currently having the worst time of my life right now, I had an English assessment today and English was one of my biggest struggles.

I suffer with bad dyslexia, things can get really hard to understand especially in a subject such as English, too many words if you ask me personally.

"Y/n, I promise you'll do great. Even if you don't think that then I will think that my love" My mum said bending down and holding my chin in her hands, I sighed looking away trying not to make the eye contact.

"Y/n. I meant it" She said in a bit more of a  firmer voice, i sighed again rolling my eyes and looking at her this time seeing an unamused look on her face

"Stop sighing, and enough of the eye rolling please. I'm trying to help you and if your not gonna take it then so be it" Mum said standing back up straight and leaning back against the counter.

"I can't do it though" I mumbled looking down and picking the skin around my fingernails. Mum sighed walking over to my and taking my hands in hers

"You can do it, you just think you can't. You need to read it all properly and make sure you know what your doing baby" mum said cupping my face in her hands. I looked up at her with tears lining the bottom of my eyes and nodded my head sadly.

"I love you more than you ever know"

At school
I was currently picking the skin around my fingers again with my legs shaking madly, we were all seated in our classroom and our teacher was just getting ready to put on the structure for the assessment.

I can already hear my mum's voice telling me to stop picking at my fingers but I can't help it right now as my nerves are sky high.

Our teacher finally goes through everything as i fiddle with my pen trying my best to take everything in, I think i finally got it just before she finished up and then told us we had 45 minutes then we could start

"Y/n, you've got some extra time by the way so you'll have until 2:55 okay" My teacher said coming over to me and telling me quietly, I gave her a small smile and nodded my head.

                    •             •             •

That was a week ago, now it was the same day but the week forward. Today was the day I got my results from that very assessment, mom wished me a lot of good luck sending me of to school today with many kisses and a big warm hug

I nervously walked into my english classroom taking a seat in my chair and placing my pen in front of me rolling it about my hands.

My teacher clears her throat making everyone stop taking and look at her. I feel my stomach drop when she says she's going to be handing out book out which our assessments are in.

She scans over the room giving everyone their books until she stops by me giving me a smile and handing me mine. That could mean I've done shit and she feels bad for me or I've done well and she's proud of me.

I very slowly open my book the my recent page and feel my eyes almost pop out my head once I read over the marking seeing I got past marks, it wasn't high like other people but it was high enough to pass the half way mark.

I look up seeing the teacher smiling at me and sticking her thumbs up happily once we make eye contact making me smile even more. I re-read over everything making sure I'm seeing everything right before sitting back actually proud of myself for doing well.

Back home
We were aloud to bring out books home which I obviously done and I was now currently just waiting for my mum to get back.

I left my book open on the assessment page on the kitchen counter ready for her to see and was standing in front of the front door waiting for her to open it.

As soon as the door handle clicked and moved, I rushed forward clashing with her body just in time. She stumbled back a bit obviously not expecting to be crashed into as soon as she walked through the door

"Hey baby, you seem happy huh" Mum chuckles walking us both forward and shutting the door with her food behind her before finally wrapping her arms around my back as my head rests on her chest

"I did it mummy, I did it" I whisper loud enough so she could her me, she looked down at me in confusion as I looked up at her with a smile on my face. It took her a moment to realise before it clicked inside her and she soon had a smile on her face as well.

"Wait- you need to look at this" I said pulling her hand away before she could move or say anything to me. I take her hand and lead her over to my book showing her everything. I stand in front of her as her arms wrap around the front of my body and she leans over my body reading over everything I had achieved

"Oh my word" She mumbled underneath her breath, I looked up at her slightly seeing the biggest smile former across her face. I blush a bit once she looks at me and immediately look away.

"You did it" She mutters quietly leaning down laying her chin on the top of my head as her grip tightens around me. She repeats those words over and over again until she's fully satisfied

"Y/n, you did it" She said clearer spinning me around she my body was now fully facing her her, i smile looking into her loving eyes nodding my head. She lets out a small squeal and then embraces me in a tight hug almost crushing me

"Oh my sweet girl, mummy knew you could do it" She whispered placing a firm kiss on my head. I giggled into her chest wrapping my arms around her back, playing the the little loose thread at the bottom of her t-shirt

"I can't describe how happy I am" She mumbled then bends down, hooking her arms under my legs then lifting me into her arms making me scream. She doesn't say anything and just laughs spinning me around

"I'm so proud of you, you don't know how proud I am Y/n" Mum says setting me down on the kitchen counter and dropping her hands down by my sides. I tear up a bit thinking how lucky I was that she cared so much

"Oh sweetheart" Mum cooed seeing my eyes water and leans forward again bringing me into a deep hug. I sniffle into her shoulder letting out a chuckle so I don't end up breaking down.

"I love you" I mumbled so I quietly i wouldn't think she could hear me but of course she did hear me

"I love you more my sweet girl" Mama said into my hair as she rubbed my back. I smiled and tightened my grip around shoulders letting her lift me off the counter and carry me away some where

"What ice cream do you want" Mum says with a large grin on her face, i gasp pulling my head out of her neck turning it to look in the freezer, i squeal and reach forward for the cookie dough one and mama gets the salted caramel one which I know I will be sneaking a few bites of that

"Because I'm so extremely proud of you baby, we're gonna have a movie night for the rest of the night and stay up later because it's a Friday" Mama cheered placing me down on the sofa. I laughed at her watching as she searched for the remote and sitting down next to me once she found it

"I wanna watch that mummy" i said excitedly pointing to the movie mama scrolled to on the TV. Mama nodded her head pressing play and letting my cuddle up into the side of her.

I kept changing her options between my ice cream and her ice cream and even sometimes mixing both fallouts which w as...unique i guess.

I wanted nothing more than this though, sitting on the sofa in mama's arms feeling how proud she is for me and just being loved by her is something I will never be able to explain


Friday 😍
Okay so I was thinking, if I get a detention today. Im going to release an extra chapter for this book or the adopted book. If I even get one but I'll be a goody tooshoes and not 💋.

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