29. look after her

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 12

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 8 6 3

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : death, cancer mentions


2nd person pov
You were walking to school with 3 of your friends, chatting away without a care in the world. As you continued walking, you felt a strange feeling in your stomach. You hiss trying to walk it off but as you get closer to the school, it keeps growing.

"Y/n? You alright, you look a bit... pale" Your friend says placing her hands on your arm, you shake your head slightly giving her a smile and nodding your head. She nods her head back and walks with you to your first lesson.

Sitting in your English lesson, your stomach still feels the same, not that you feel ill, more of a feeling, like somethings gonna happen. You tapped your pen against your head thinking of what it could be, you turned your straightens off this morning, brushed your teeth, ate breakfast, told your mom you loved her. You had no idea what could go wrong right now.

"Y/n..." Your English teacher waffled on asking you a question, which you had answered right. Your mind immediately thought of your mom, hoping she was safe and everything was alright with her.

After break, the feeling was still lingering about, and yet you still couldn't put your finger on it. You sat in your science lesson, in a daze wondering about some nonsense until a teacher happened to walk in asking for you

"May I take Y/n Johansson, you'll need your stuff sweetheart. Your mom's here" She smiles nicely. Your eyes widen slightly as you shakily pick up your belongs and slowly walk out of the room. Your mom never comes to the school, she stopped after you were brave enough to walk home, she says there's too many kids fanning around her.

"Here she is, Miss Johansson" The teacher smiles opening the door, Scarlett's head turns to you and you instantly notice her watery eyes making you shocked. You slowly walk to her as she grabs your hand and takes you out of the school

"Mom, what's going on?" You ask worriedly, she just shook her head and took you too the car. You stared up at her the whole time you were walking trying to figure out what's going on but she was giving you no signs.

"Can you tell me please, your making me worried" You ask after getting into the car beside your mom, she sighs tucking her loose hair strand behind her ear, she places her hand on your thigh giving it a little rub before starting the engine

"Everything... Everything's alright sweetheart" She says, her voice breaking half way through her sentence. You gulped harshly, trying not to get upset by your mothers emotions but it was very difficult for you, as she was always a happy woman with barely any problems

You rested your head in the window just staring off ahead of you as your mom drove, weirdly fast. Usually she took her time driving, always letting people out when she could but she took no chances today and was practically racing until she came to, the hospital?

"Mom, why... why are we here" You said in confusion, your mom looked down wiping her eyes and turning to your placing her hand on your cheek, she goes to open her mouth to say something but is unable to and you see that, so you help her by getting out the car and wondering round to her side

"Thank you" she whispers quietly taking your hand again and leading you into the hospital, your moms footsteps start slowing down as she comes closer and closer, so your patient with her, because whatever is going on is clearly upsetting her. Once Scarlett reaches the desk, the woman asks for surname which Scarlett tries to say, but is once again unable too

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