19. cute morning

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 2

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 1 1 9 6



Scarlett's pov:
I'm sat at the kitchen island with a coffee in my hands watching the baby monitor, i'm so tired right now but i want Y/n to wake up because i'm alone and bored.

I think we might play some games today, that seems fun to do, maybe i could take her to the park or something. I'm unsure, i never get days off and when i have them in so clueless on what to actually do on them.

My eyes snap over again when i hear a little noise, my eyes divert to the monitor in front of me and i see my daughter start to roll around and rub her eyes letting out a cute yawn before they slowly open up.

She grunts to herself sitting up, holding her stuffy under her arm and standing up on the mattress holding onto the crib and calling out for me through her pacifier. I immediately rush out my chair leaving my coffee mug and sprint up the stairs

"Hey my baby" I coo walking into Y/n's room, Y/n squeals jumping up and down using the railings and smiling happily behind her pacifier.

"Your so happy this morning" I say happily reaching over the bars and lifting Y/n out her crib, her sweaty body attaching itself to mine. She nods her head wrapping her arms around my neck and leaning her head on my shoulder

"Mama, i done poo" Y/n says casually pulling back and looking me in the eyes, i awkwardly smile nodding my head and taking her down to the bottom of her room laying her on the changing table

"Your a stinky little girl" I joke tickling her tummy and unbuttoning her baby grow. She giggled kicking her chubby legs and squealing about

"Your stinky mom-mama" Y/n giggled getting her words all fumbled up, then repeating her last words and few time and using her hands in the air to point at things

"All clean now stinky butt" I say patting her chubby thighs and bringing her legs down, i slip some pants on and take off the top of her baby grow, slipping in a sweater.

"M' tired momma" Y/n mumbles rubbing her eyes as i lift her back up into my arms. I frown bouncing her a bit in my arms wondering how much sleep she got last night.

"Momma's tired as well, we can take a nap later on darling" I say hopping back downstairs and into the kitchen, i rinse out my dirty and cold coffee mug placing that to the side and making another one.

"Mama tan' you put me down pease" My baby asks cutely tapping my shoulder, i look down smiling at her and attack her face with kisses before setting her on her feet on the floor.

"Thank you" She smile cutely with her cute teeth poking out. I coo inside and finish making my drink, once finished i look down seeing Y/n sat by my feet placing with the bottom of my pyjama bottoms, i curse to myself as i completely forgot about getting myself changed but that might have to wait till later.

"Are you coming with honey" I ask extending my hand, Y/n hops back up to her feet grabbing two of my fingers and slowly walking beside me until we arrive at the living room.

"Wait mama, i make it comfy for you" Y/n says quickly letting go of my hand and waddling to the sofa, she picks up a pillow and puts to against the back of the sofa and pulls my little coffee table in front before climbing up next to and sitting there with a smile on her face, patting the space next to her.

"Aww, thank you my sweet girl" I say smiling uncontrollably placing my coffee down and giving her a small side hug, until she's had enough and pushes me away. I sit back getting myself comfy and turn on the Tv

"mama, can i watch Tv please" Y/n asks cutely crawling over to me and attaching herself to my arm, i look down into her sweet big innocent eyes

"Alright, what do you want on" I give in, she thinks for a minute before picking her usual and before i know it the marvel sound rings my ears, yes she may be two but i've let her watch captain america and the winter solider but i'm going to leave the others ones until later on.

"Mama's so beautiful" She says dragging out her 'so' and opening her arms wide with a big smile and falling onto the side of me, i giggle at her silliness and mess with her hair.

"Mama give me my milk?" Y/n asks looking up to me, i give her a look and she pouts leaning forward resting her chin on the top of my boob. I shake my head to her, she knows she's over this now and she can't have anymore but everyday she will continue to ask and i don't see an end coming.

"P'ease mama, i be a good girl" She whine slipping onto my lap and rubbing her palm over my clothes, i shake my head once again telling her no and turn her around to face the Tv.

"Mama, it's not fair" She whines again turning herself around and buring her head into my chest. I tell her that she's a big girl now and that she needs her proper food which wasn't a very good answer for her as she sulks again hiding her face in my neck.

"you've had a cute morning sweetheart, just watch the movie and i'll get you some warm milk" I say patting her bottom, she shakes her head wrapping her arms tightly around my neck

"I want my milk! it's mine!" She huffs then brings one hand down to hold me and gives me a dirty look making me laugh, she doesn't approve of this kind of behaviour so she pulls on her angry face and puts her hand over my mouth.

"it's mine mama" She says angrily gritting her teeth, i let out a small smile and poke her cheek. She screeches like the toddler she is falling back on the sofa and covering her hands with her face.

"Take a nap, your too grouchy for me" I say and jokingly throw a pillow over her, she kicks me with her small foot then climbs over to the edge of the sofa placing the pillow down and comfortably cuddling into it.

Over time, i scoot over and find myself rubbing my hand up and down her back which manages to get her to fall asleep faster and i find myself more tired now than i was before so i lay down, my head resting on Y/n's legs even though Y/n's hand was soon in my hair i had managed to finally fall asleep peacefully with my daughter



this is so bad i'm so sorry, actually gonna kms this is dreadful.

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