63. picked on too much

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 13

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 2 3 7 3

𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : getting beaten up


y/n's pov:
I'm terrified, my whole life i've been a quiet girl who likes to keep to herself and hang about with my mom, i mean she's my best friend. At school, i'm scared there are so many people in there that are loud and violent.

I know i'm 14, but i don't think i actually have a single friend in the school. I eat my lunch in the toilets and rock up late to my lessons to avoid the big crowds in the hallways. At first my mom would be angry at the amount of detentions i'd get for being late, but one night she sat me down and i explained everything, from not having any friends to bring late.

My mom understood me and was really helpful about it, she wasn't angry anymore when it happened and she'd do her best to make sure i was okay, that's why i love her so much, because she's always making sure i'm alright.

There's been this rumour going around that i've been saying stuff about this girl. This girl is like one of them, orange, loud, messy bun girls and i'm so scared of her. So the fact that, that word is being spread is scaring me because was if she tried to beat me up like people are saying she will.

I had my next lesson with her, and i was walking down the silent corridors silently praying to myself she wasn't going to say anything to me. I was hoping with every bone in my body she would just keep her mouth shut.

"Oh look who it is! The two faced little rat!" She starts, i haven't even fully entered the room yet. I step back immediately and the teacher comes holding his hand out in front of the girl and letting me walk in.

"I'm gonna beat the fucking shit out of you" She mumbles to me, my eyes fill up with tears and i swallow a lump in my throat. I look down fidgeting with my fingers, she wasn't next to me, there was an isle in between us but it didn't stop me from shaking like crazy.

It doesn't help that this is last lesson before we leave for the day. My stress grows and i'm sweating, i reach my hand in the air for the teacher who comes over to ask me if i'm alright.

"I- please can i go to the rest room, please" I practically beg, the teacher looks at me before allowing me to go. I'd slid my phone in my sleeve and almost ran out of the room, taking a shaky breath as i speed down the corridors to the rest room.

My phone jumbled around in my hand after taking a seat on the toilet for a little bit and i speedily tap on my mom's contact ringing it, it takes a few tries before she finally picks up. By the noise behind her, i can tell she's still at work and it sounds very busy.

"Y/n? You're supposed to be in class?" Mom says walking away somewhere, where it seems to be quieter because i can hear her a lot better as she asks me as to why i'm calling her.

"Mama, please pick me up. This girl said she was going to beat me up and she's not kidding, i need you to come please" I break, crying out to my mom. I hear silence on the phone before keys start to rustle and a car door opens.

"Alright honey, i need you to go back to your classroom, pick up your stuff and head straight to the head masters office baby. I'm coming right now" Mom says, she's clearly worried by the way her voice shakes. I scramble to my feet saying goodbye to my mom before rushing back to class.

My stomach drops to my stomach as i the bell rings, which means school is over. I spent far too long in the bathroom, i enter my class again seeing everyone is packing away ready to leave.

The smirk that girl has on her face makes me want to throw up right there and then, i grab my bag swinging it over my shoulder and speeding out the class, not even waiting until the teacher says we can go.

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