49. i mean it when i say no

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 4

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 2 3 7 1



scarlett's pov:
The weather has been raining none stop at the moment, i've been sitting with my cup of coffee looking out the window while Y/n was down for her nap, it's rare for her to take them anymore but after the morning she's had she was really tired.

She has been running around none stop with squeals and screams, she's had the same toy in her hand all day and not put it down since she picked it up. Y/n was actually the one who asked me for a nap, which is unusual as i've spent four years of my life fighting her for one.

She's only been down an hour or so, so she's bound to wake up soon. I need to lock the back door because if Y/n gets outside in that mud, then i don't think i'll be able to recover.

As i'm going to get the keys, Y/n's voice is calling me from upstairs. I need to get the keys but i also need to get my daughter, the keys are on the other side of the house, and then to go lock the door and hide them again and by the time i do that she'll be in tears.

I don't want to lock it in front of her because she'll watch me and then unlock to again, i've learned that the hard way unfortunately. I sigh turning on my heel and making my way upstairs, if i can just keep her away from the back door then all will be good, hopefully.

"Mama!!" Y/n shouts as i reach the top of the stairs, if i'm honest, i don't understand why she doesn't crawl out her bed and come downstairs, instead i have to come up here and get her.

"Mama, i'm awake now!" She shouts again making me chuckle, i push down her door handle opening the door and she her sat up in her bed, she claps her hands with a massive smile on her face as she reaches her arms out for me.

"Hey beautiful, have a nice nap?" I ask scooping her up from her bed and into my arms, she hums nodding her head and cuddling right into my neck with her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

"It's raining mama" Y/n sulks, deflating her body. I agree rubbing her back and taking her to the living room, i left her other clothes down here so all i have to do is change her on the sofa.

"Have you used this? No, do you want to keep it on or wear big girl pants" I ask slipping Y/n's t-shirt over her head, she think for a few moments before choosing to stay in her diaper.

After slipping her shorts on, i pat her bum gently letting her go as she runs straight to play with her toys. I sit down on the sofa grabbing my laptop and checking through my emails wondering if i have any to reply to.

Turns out i do, i have hundreds of emails to reply to. I look up seeing Y/n playing around with her blocks and stuffed animals, i look back down to my emails and start typing what i need to type.

y/n's pov:
I was happily playing with my toys, mama was on her laptop and i really wanted to go outside, it was raining but that means that it's muddy and i love playing in the mud. I've only played in the mud once, that ended in time out for a good while.

"Mama go outside?" I question turning my body to face her, she's too interest in her laptop work to answer me so i have to move over to her to ask her.

"Mama? Outside please" I say shaking her knee, Mama reaches her hand out resting it on my cheek as she finishes tapping the squares on her keyboard.

"No darling, it's too muddy outside please stay inside" Mama says shaking her head gently, i whine falling to my bum and crawling back over to my toys.

I sigh throwing down my toy because i'm bored, sometimes mommy works to much and it really makes me sad because i cant spend as much time with her, sometimes i even have to be naughty so she'll hold me afterwards.

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