48. play fight

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𝐀𝐆𝐄 : 15




y/n's pov:
Being fifteen isn't so easy, when your a child there is many things to do, such as play with your toys and literally anything that you can get your hands on but when your this old, all you can do is sit about on your phone.

My mom's busy, she normally is and i don't blame her, i mean she is the highest paid actress, so i don't get upset when she says she can't hang today because she's got stuff to do, because it keeps a roof over my head and that's what i'm thankful for.

Even though right now i'm sat in bed staring at the ceiling with absolutely nothing to do, i'm counting the tiles on my ceiling thinking what would happen is they all just collapsed and caved in on top of me.

I laugh to myself at the thought of the roof just collapsing but stop when i figure that i'm just being stupid. I groan rolling over on my bed, my back hurts because all i do these days i lay in bed apart from days i have soccer.

I kick my legs against the mattress creating a thumping sound before my mom starts banging to ceiling telling me to stop, i sit up in my bed running my hand down my face. I stand up, do exactly two laps around my room before sitting back down on my bed.

I fake cry getting out of bed and just stop, i smile to myself after thinking of an amazing idea. I sneak down the stairs making sure that my footsteps aren't heavy enough for my mom to hear.

I check each room looking for her, i find her in the living room looking through a magazine. I smirk to myself thinking about how i'm going to plan this out, i have two ways of approaching this.

a) Jump right into it and tackle her to the ground.

b) Gradually throw stuff at her until she reacts back.

c) Play it cool, sit beside her and act nice and sweet.

I think i prefer option (a), just because it seems more fun, a sneak attack on her and then she's wiped out on the floor. I obviously wouldn't hurt her but i do find it quite funny how easy it is to tackle her to the ground.

I creep around the corner not wanting to blow my cover incase she pops around a corner or i accidentally creak a floorboard, i've lived here my whole life and thankfully i know which floorboards freak and which don't.

I smile to myself seeing my mom moving around on the sofa and she picks up the Tv remote, i want to wait for her to stand or sit at the edge of sofa so i can get a better tackle on her.

I stand watching her like a hawk for a good ten minutes before she leans forward like i wanted her to and picks something up off the ground, i jump straight into action bolting right for her and attacking her back.

She shrieks leaning forward again causing me to fly right over the top of her, i hide my laugh turning around and launching back onto her, i manage to get her off the sofa and onto the ground.

"What are you doing" Mom questions having me on my back and holding me down by the shoulders. I smirk shrugging my shoulders and swiping at her arm pushing her over and wrestling her again.

She comes right back at me throwing me back down on the floor, i lift my leg up pushing the bottom of her stomach with my foot as she groans in pain, she shoves my legs away and pulls my ankle so i glide along the carpet, probably giving me carpet burn.

"Bitch!" I shout standing back up and pushing her over, against the back of the other sofa. She reaches behind her grabbing a pillow and hitting me in the head with it.

"Don't call me a bitch young lady" Mom says, i grab the pillow off her slapping it right across her face, her head flips back in shock and she gently but tightly grips my hair pulling my head to the side.

I reach for the clip in the back of her hair and unclip her hair throwing it across the room, mom gasp's pushing me off her and sits herself on my waist, i cough trying to push her off as (no offence) but she's too heavy for me.

"I can't breathe" I gasp, mom smirks falling forward holding herself up by her elbows, i breath in the air i can get while mom leans to my face kissing my cheek, i make a disgusted sound wiping the slobbery kiss off my face.

"Disgusting" I fake gag pushing her back off me, i must have pushed her too hard because she goes flying back into the coffee table behind her. I gasp again leaning up just in time to catch my mom holding the back of her head.

"I'm sorry" I apologise immediately and crawl over to her, she's moved onto her stomach and holding the back of her head, i move beside her placing my hand on top of hers.

"I'm getting some ice" I say rushing out of the room and into the kitchen, i feel guilt because i started this and i hurt mom. Me and my mom do this shit all the time and it usually ends up with us laughing on the floor but now i've hurt her.

I rush back through to the living room and kneel back down to my mom holding the ice on the back of her head, she hisses sitting up on her knees and taking the ice from me and holding it against her head, she sighs moving over and leaning her back against the sofa.

"Sorry" I mumble feeling quite embarrassed about this situation, mom chuckle running her hand through my hair, i look up a little bit just before she reaches forward with one arms and scoops me onto her lap.

"It's alright, it was just a silly game. It wasn't either of our faults we do this all the time, i still love you the same sweet girl" Mom laughs situating me comfortably on her lap, i nod leaning my chin forward so it was on moms shoulder so i was looking at the wall behind me.

"This was so stupid" I mumble, letting out a laugh after. Mom agrees tilting her head to the side so it's resting on my head, i want to help her so i sit up a bit better and place my hands on the ice on top of hers on the back of her head. I say this is stupid, but i know that next week i'll be doing the exact same thing with no doubt that mom will try to get me back.



HAHAHAHAH HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS i'm so bored and it just kinda happened...

this is so stupid

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