Chapter 5

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You woke up with a smile on your face thinking what happened in the library was a dream. You got out of bed and noticed the jacket in bed, you grabbed the jacket and smiled embarrassed realising that dream was real. "Well this is going to be fun don't you think?" you said looking at Midnight with a smirk. Your plan was to tease Lady Lesso with the fact you had her jacket plus it felt like a hug from her whenever you were wearing it. You quickly had a nice warm shower, got dressed in another purple dress. You loved the look of it but never thought you would be wearing it as it is a short sleeve dress. You always hated looking at your scarred arms. As it makes you feel weak as every scar is there from times people got the best of you. You also hated your neck, similar story to the arms but it could have ended much badly, so you grabbed the necklace that has been hiding it for years. 

Today there was a class trip you were excited to go to as you were going to learn more about this world. During the trip in the dangerous forest everything seemed alright until a boy cried out in distress. "I can't do this anymore" running deeper into the forest. You ran after him not thinking by the time you reached him it looked like a thunderstorm was ripping him apart as he was screaming help. You grabbed him out of the storm, dragging him along until you caught up with the group "Phew, are you okay?" You said looking at him, he nodded "Do you realise how many rules you just broke?" He said surprised as someone helped him "Nope, I'm sure I'm going to get told by an angry Professor Dovey though" you joked making the boy laugh. "My name is Y/n" you said, sticking your hand out for him, you saw your arm was all blistered and it felt like it was on fire "Umm I think I might be needing your help this time" you said as your vision began blurry. You pass off hitting the ground THUD. 

You weren't exactly awake but you could hear things around you. Professor Dovey was pacing back and forth, you heard heals in the distance "Princess what happened tell me now" Lady Lesso said annoyed. Dovey began explaining the events that occurred in the forest "She saved a kid during his third fail and she took all the damage?" Dovey nodded "This is the first time ever someone has done that" Lady Lesso sighed taking the seat next to you "Her kindness is going to get her killed." Lesso said in a worried tone but yet caring.

Dovey nodded "Now why is she wearing your jacket?" Dovey said, sounding a bit jealous. "Look she is different from the rest, I actually care for her and I don't truly know why as Never's don't have any emotions" Lady Lesso began speaking honestly to Dovey "I saw her asleep in the library with her cat and I gave her my jacket with a hug." Dovey teared up a bit "You did another good deed, I'm proud of you" Dovey clapped happily. Lesso said seriously "She is worth it" Dovey bursted out laughing "Your like a protective mother." Lesso crossed her arms annoyed. "I was telling you the truth and you take the piss of me of mean" Dovey finally calmed down "Right right sorry, I hope she will wake up soon." Lesso nodded "I will be waiting here to make sure she does wake up" Dovey spoke concerned "What no no you have classes to teach" Lesso shrugged confused "I have people that can cover for me, also your not changing my mind" Dovey sighed "Just don't get seen by the Evers" Lesso nodded saying this trying to get rid of Dovey "Now princess your a busy lady on a tight schedule with planning your disgusting dance." The look of horror struck Dovey "Oh no so many things I haven't done also Hey your having a dance to" Dovey looked at the time feeling like she was against time as the panic began to. "Look tell if anything changes with Y/n’s status, the good and the bad." Lesso laughed "Of course I will as your are her Professor" Dovey ended up rushing off as there was still so much for the ball she felt guilty not staying like Lesso. 

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