Chapter 10

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You woke up the next morning and saw that Lady Lesso was already gone but you noticed she left both of her jackets. You put on your jacket and looked around the library for Midnight. You heard something behind you quickly turned around. You saw what you could describe as a blood tower "Stay away from Lesso, she belongs to me now" you were clenching and screamed in anger. You went to punch the blood tower man thing but of course your fist fades through and you end up punching the bookcase. "Oww fuck!!" you shouted in pain, Lesso entered the library with some food and quickly rushed to where you were hearing your scream. "What happened?" Lesso said looking at you confused "I punched a bookcase" you said walking back to you seat "Okay, but why?" Lesso saying following you. "Because a man dressed in red I think said that you belong to him" Lesso looked at you worried and kneel down "You tried to punch Rafal?" you nodded "W-what I was jealous" you said blushing embarrassed. "Aww you're so adorable but he's bad news he's pure evil" you looked at Lesso "I'm guessing you had a crush on him then" you teased her. "Pfft no, you're in danger and you're teasing me" You nodded "Yeah? If he's pure evil why didn't he just kill me?" You asked. Lesso sighed and leant her head on your thigh "He likes to play with people and trick them into helping his plans." You played with Lesso's hair "I'm pretty sure I can out smart him" She looks up at you "But.." You placed a finger on her soft lips "Shhh no one is going to stop me seeing Princess" Lesso smiles "You know I could easily break that finger right?" You giggle "Yes I know you don't have to prove to me that your evil I believe you"

You kissed Lesso's forehead "Now please excuse me I have to see Sophie and Agatha" Lesso grabs you hands. "Please stay" you feel your cheeks turn red "Princess please don't beg I already don't want to go but they are my friends." Sophie and Agatha enter the library "Y/n come on we have things to do" Sophie shouted out annoyed in the massive library and it echoed. Lesso quickly stood up put on her jacket "Then fine I'm coming with" you shook your head "No no you have a school to run you can't just drop it" Lady Lesso smashed you into a bookcase pinning you to it "I can do what I want, now let me come with or I will kiss you in front of your friends." You just stood there just trying to take in what happened "Fine kiss me then" hoping that she was bluffing. She began deeply kissing you and she pulled away her soft lips. You locked your lips with her again only letting go when you need to get air. Sophie and Agatha stood confused, Agatha did a fake cough. You both looked at Agatha, Lesso stepped back and smiled grabbing her cane "A word to anyone and I will personally torture you" You stood in front of Lesso "Hey Hey, stop threatening them, remember they are my friends." Lesso crossed her arms annoyed "Wow, how did you manage to tame her like that?" Agatha teased you, you stood there bright red, Lesso didn't seem phased at all. "Can we get back to why we are here please" you said hoping to change the subject. Sophie nodded "I want to change schools and the only way to do that is a true blood kiss" Agatha looked annoyed "No we want to return home" An arguing kicked off between Sophie and Agatha debating about returning home to that horrible village. Lesso tapped her cane twice making them go quiet "Look I really don't care what you want just pick something, make a silly plan so I can have my Snowflake back" Agatha looked at Lady Lesso "Snowflake? Really she doesn't even have white hair" You nod in agreement. "That's what I said but I'm apparently delicate, innocent and beautiful or something along those lines." Sophie looked at Lady Lesso then back at you "I'm sorry The Dean for the School of Evil said that?" You nodded "Yeah I know right she is a softie sometimes"

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