Chapter 16

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Agatha quickly looked at the dove that flew over the wall, making her finger glow, turning herself into a dove flying towards Sophie. "Typical, don't worry I will be fine" you said, climbing the wall with struggle as there was nowhere to put your feet so you basically kicked yourself up a wall. You sighed sitting on the top then jumped down. "Tedros I'm ready to be saved" you heard nearby so you ran there. "Sophie!!" Sophie looked at you with a smile which turned into anger "Wait what are you doing here!?" You smiled "I'm here in case Rafal tries to ruin this for you" You began exploring the forest and made the mistake of walking into the pink roses bushes causing you both to run into the punkin patch. "I'm so sorry for what we do to you for Halloween" you said looking at the scarecrow with a creepy pumpkin face. You both begin to catch your breath, you hear footsteps behind you. You turned around seeing the scarecrow coming to life "Of course because that makes perfect sense" you said grabbing a sharp stick. You stand defending Sophie waiting for her to run. You ran after Sophie "Come on Tedros now would be a great time!!" The scarecrow threw a rock aimed at Sophie that confused you as you were closer to the scarecrow, you were easier to hit. "Duck!!" You shouted Sophie ran to a tree and hid under there. "What are you doing?" you heard Tedros' question. "Look it's complicated and difficult to explain right now because of him" Tedros looked at the scarecrow "Yeah that comes awake at night it's the Reaper" You looked at Tedros annoyed "Thank you for the fun fact it's trying to kill us though" Tedros looks at the Reaper that's pacing around waiting for it's chance. "Then why isn't he attacking?" You realise and whisper "It wants Sophie" Tedros crosses his arm "She can drop the fabric like this" Tedros says dropping it then teleporting away. Sophie runs out and pushes you back "You ruined everything!! You to Auggie I know you're the bird!!" Agatha turned human "Sophie.. We were only trying to help" Sophie dropped her fabric teleporting to a safe place. You walked to the Reaper "Why did you aim for her? You would have had a clear shot for me!?" Agatha turned back into a Dove and started flying back to the school for good. You saw blood circling around you "Because why would he hurt the future queen?" You hear Rafal question. You turned around, your eyes filled with tears. You begin with "Firstly I'm not yours I'm Lesso's and Secondly I'm not evil!!"

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