Chapter 19

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Lesso stepped closer to you and wiped your tears away. "Snowflake, what's wrong?" You took a deep breath "I will be accepting Rafal's offer but it's so I can get close and see what he wants" Lesso looked at you annoyed "I should have never brought you here, I put you in danger." You hugged Lesso "No no don't think like that it's probably his plan plus it's danger I can't handle" Lesso smiled "You promise it's only for discovering the truth and not because you like him" You nodded "I promise but I don't know how long it will take." Lesso lifted your chin and began deeply kissing you. "Just don't too long I'm a mess without you" Lesso said, pulling away. You giggled "Mind looking after Midnight?" You questioned and Lesso looked at you confused. "Well it's going to be dangerous and something for you to remember me by if it goes badly." Lesso nodded "But what if it gets too stressful for you?" Lesso questioned tucking hair behind your ear. "Midnight, it's a smart boy, he will come running if I get really bad." Midnight, who was still sitting on your head and jumped down and rubbed himself against your legs. "I don't know what I would do without you baby boy" You said kneeling down stroking him. "Protect Lesso, don't come running if you hear me scream, crying only when I whistle" Midnight sat down and looked between you and Lesso and walked to you. "Meow!!" You began to cry again "I know Furball, it's difficult but I'm trying to protect you" You said picking him up and placing him in Lesso's arms. You kissed Lesso's cheek "Wish me luck.."

You walked out of Lesso's office and headed to the library. "I'm here Rafal!!" You shouted as you shouted you saw blood circling around you. "You made the right choice Y/n." Rafal said, appearing in front of you. You scoffed "Explain to me why you have Sophie as a backup" Rafal seemed offended by you questioning "Why are you smarter than her? She just accepted what I told her." You sighed "What does answer my question?" Rafal looked at you annoyed "Because you're not easily influenced like her. You're a challenge!! You will be difficult to tame. Sophie is a precaution in case you don't obey." You stepped to him pushing back with your cane. "I don't obey, I command" Rafal looks slightly flustered "We will see about that Y/n. Your past says you're a huge pushover. Now come along we have things to do."

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