Chapter 13

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Everyone was called to the hall. You noticed that Tedros and Agatha were talking and laughing, Agatha tried over and Tedros caught her, Lady Lesso shouted at the top of her lungs "SHUT UP!!" Bringing everyone to quiet down and shut up. You smiled proudly, Dovey began talking about how your powers are going to be unlocked and how to use them. You were kind of listening a bit too busy looking at Lesso. "Everyone line up" Everyone gathered into the lines, everything seemed fine until Agatha was in front of you getting pricked with the magic needle. Sophie entered the hall through the curtains and everyone turned and looked at her. She was wearing a beautiful black dress; a crown that matched and the short hair worked for her perfectly. "I hope I'm not late" You looked at Sophie, then at Lesso annoyed. Lady Lesso noticed and made eye contact with you then quickly looked away. Sophie walks her way to Lesso "What's all this about?" Lesso questioned waving her cane "Turns out I needed the trim, you did me a favour" You and Agatha looked at each other worried then at Dovey. "Now if you don't mind unlocking my powers" Lesso stabbed Sophie's finger then twisted it making it glow a beautiful gold. Sophie walked back down between the lines and stood near the wolf guard. 

After that eventful ceremony you walked your way to Dovey's room and knocked annoyed, Dovey opened the door "Yes?" She looks at you "May I come in?" Dovey nodded and entered her office, you closed behind yourself "Tell me everything about Rafal" Dovey looked at you stunned "What did you just say?" she questions in concern. “Rafal the tower of blood didn’t Lady Lesso tell you?” You question and saw pure anger appear across Dovey’s face “Come with me Y/n” Dovey quickly walked all the way to the School of Evil into Lady Lesso’s room “You knew Rafal was here, in the school, and you told no one?” Dovey questioned with you standing behind her, Lady Lesso sat back in her chair “Ah, must have slipped my mind.” Dovey stomped her foot annoyed “I see! The soul of wickedness itself just slipped your mind, Lesso?” Lesso smirk “I’m the Dean of the School for Evil. Does that suggest anything to you?” Lesso does a cheeky wink at you. “Yeah, it suggests that nobody in charge here knows what’s going on in this stupid place.” you said stepping to Lady Lesso, “Quiet, Snowflake!” Lesso snaps at you. Dovey looks at you both confused “What did she just call you?” You shrugged your shoulders and looked a Lesso annoyed “Don’t not” you mouthed to her. Lesso giggles “This reader here is my Snowflake,” Lesso pulls you on top of her and makes you sit on her lap. “I thought Evers and Nevers in a relationship are repulsive.” Dovey looks at you as if you're blushing .”I also told you that Y/n is different.” You sighed "Excuse me may we discuss what does Rafal want with Sophie?" You questioned annoyed. Lady Lesso shouting happily "For Evil to finally win!" You looked at Lesso worried "That’s what you think will happen?" You shook your head "No no Lesso he's a pure evil man remember you told me that" 

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