Chapter 22

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You stood there taking in what your plan was "Why did this get so complicated?" You questioned as tears formed in your eyes "S-she my best friend and I'm at war with her." Lesso quickly hugged you the kissed your forehead. "I know Snowflake but it's for her own good, we will make sure she doesn't get seriously injured, okay?" You nodded as you wipe your tears away. "Well while you guys prepare to tell people what is happening I'm going to get ready" Before anyone could stop you walked back to your room. You grab your pocket knife placing it in your shoe and look around for anything else useful. As you weren't unsure how this event was going to play out so protection is important.

Agatha smashed the door open "Dovey is going to tell us to attack Sophie is she insane, she informed me as I was walking around looking for but surprisingly she apologise to me" You turn away to tell Agatha it was your idea but you weren't able to look at her in the eyes. "Y/n? Is everything okay?" You shook your head, still looking at the floor "I recommend we attacked Sophie to show we aren't scared of them and to prevent her doing something she would regret. "That wasn't your call to make!!" Agatha shouted at you. "Oh? Don't you think I know I'm doing to protect everyone" You replied. Agatha laughed, "No your doing it to protect Lesso that's all you care about." You were pissed off you hated being called selfish as your whole life you never asked for a lot. "Look I'm not doing this to be selfish in fact I'm being selfless. Yes I love Lesso with all my heart she knows how to treat me right but if I wanted to be selfish I would have accepted Rafal's offer to rule this place for me and Lesso but nooo I'm here looking to war with my best friends." Agatha realised that her comment clearly upsetted you "Y/n I didn't mean like your always selfish I meant at the moment you are being selfish, I'm sorry I didn't think about what I was saying." You scoffed "When you are actually thinking please let me as I still don't believe your listening to me. Now excuse me I have to head to Dovey's speech." You headed to where Dovey asked everyone to gather.

Agatha followed after Y/n to the meeting place then stood there shocked. As Dovey was giving her announcement, Agatha thought to herself. ^Since when she have a backbone she would normally apologise about it then admitted she was wrong even if she wasn't. Which is good she standing up for herself but this is wrong. Attacking someone innocent is wrong^ As Agatha snapped back into reality most people were chanting "Kill the witch!!" Agatha looked around noticing that Tedros was looking confused, Y/n was looking at the floor overwhelmed with guilt. Dovey regained control of the students "No killing her as she is being used and she is unaware. If anyone kills her they will be kicked out."

I'm so sorry for the wait, I hope you guys like this chapter. I apologise it's like a filler chapter but it is to created more tension.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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