-𝘐 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱-

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Preview: Harry was meant to have dinner with you last night but instead he went out with his friends so in the early hours of the morning he got back which lead to a massive argument where you broke up with him..


I placed the two plates of steak and chips down on our dining room table with a bowl of salad and sauce in the middle with 2 glasses of red wine. Harry was going to be home any minute as if was almost 7 so I lit the candle and sat down at the table, waiting patiently while the food cooled.

It's 8pm now, a hour after Harry said he would be home "There's no point.." I sighed, eating my own meal. I finished and washed the dishes then wrote a note and placed it next to his plate saying 'Warm it up in the microwave x' then blew out the candle and went upstairs to bed.

I showered, dried my hair, did my skincare, changed into my pyjamas instead of Harry's shirt and got into bed by 10pm when he still wasn't back. "Maybe..maybe his meetings ran late" I whispered, turning the lamp off and rolling onto my side. Tears noticeably began to stream out of my eyes and onto the sheets as I curled up into a ball, staring out at the stars through the gap in the curtain.

After a few hours of crying myself to sleep I heard movement downstairs at around 2am and the microwave turning on. I huffed and layed on my stomach, hiding my face in the pillow which muffled my crying. A couple minutes later the bedroom door creaked open and then shut as the bathroom light switched on. He then came out of the bathroom moments later and a weight on the bed was felt.

Harry shifted towards me and put an arm around me, kissing my shoulder but I pushed him away and went on my side, back facing him. "Baby..?" Harry asked, trying to turn me over. "Shut up and go to sleep" I snapped, moving to the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, the boys and I just went out for a drink, I forgot about dinner, I'm really sorry" Harry whispered, putting an arm around my waist. "Get off me" I hissed, getting out of the bed and storming out. "Fine be difficult!" Harry yelled after me as I slammed the bedroom door shut after giving him the finger.

The next morning I woke up in the guest room, fresh sheets that smelt of our washing detergent and the rain pattering down on the roof, or should I say hammering. I broke into a set of tears and sat up, cupping my face with my hands until there was a knock at the door "Y/N I'm going out" Harry said bluntly, opening the door. "Okay.." I mumbled, hiding my face. "Are you crying?" He asked, coming towards me. "Leave me alone Harry" I sobbed, breaking down into tears again. Harry sat on the bed and reached out for my body "Baby I'm sorry, I shouldn't of yelled last night and I shouldn't of gone out with the boys" Harry apologised, managing to grab my waist and pull me close to him. "If it makes you feel any better I couldn't sleep without you, I've been up all night" he sighed as I pulled away.

"No not really" I said sternly, standing up and walking out the room. "Y/N please, I really need to go!" Harry begged, running after me. "Really?! After you ditched me last night as well, you're unbelievable!" I yelled, going int other kitchen and putting some bread into the toaster. "I'm busy!" "It's Sunday god damn it!" I screamed at him. He rolled his eyes "Can we just forget about it!" He exclaimed, walking around towards me. I folded my arms and looked away "No we can not, you yelled at me for no fucking reason, you ditched me after you were with the boys all day, you come home at 2am, and you're leaving me again on a Sunday morning!" I shouted.

"Well maybe that's because you're so fucking difficult and I needed a break from your constant nagging and complaining and your need to be touched all the time!" Harry yelled back, clenching his fists. His eyes widened and he threw his hand over his mouth after he realised what he just said "You're unbelievable, you know what, we're done" I spat, storming off upstairs.

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