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Preview: You're having suicidal thoughts because of some hate comments you've been reading recently and end up going to a frozen lake after leaving Harry and terrifying call..


"Bye baby, I'll be home later, don't go outside in this weather, you'll catch a cold, I love you" Harry whispered, leaning over the bed to place a kiss on my forehead "Bye, love you too" I mumbled, waving lazily as he left.

As soon as the door shut I got out of bed and went into the bathroom, staring at myself "No wonder he's leaving, I'm so ugly" I commented, staring at my face. I let out a shaky breath "Why is he even here, look at me" I murmured, running my hands through my hair "Maybe because he feels bad that I'm so disgusting and nobody likes me" I stated, just feeding myself with negative thoughts.

After a while of bullying myself I got dressed into some leggings and jumper and a coat before going to the front door, grabbing my keys and phone. I left the house and locked the front door, nothing Harry's footprints in the snow leading to where his car was parked.

I was driving up into a forest that I knew had a ginormous lake as Harry, the boys and I went camping here before when I actually questioned myself. Is it really worth it? Do you really want to give up your life?

Yes Y/N! Everybody hates you, nobody even wants you here.

Sobs began to escape my lips as I dialled Harry's number and put it on a speaker as I got further into the forest road.

"Hey bab- are you crying?" Harry asked when he answered "I-I'm sorry H-Harry, you d-don't ha-have to fake an-anymore" I sobbed, grabbing my phone and getting out the car. "What- what are you talking about?" He checked, concern filling his voice "Y/N?" I heard Niall's voice say.

"I-I'm do-done Ha-Harry, I c-can't do it any-anymore" I cried, walking through the snow towards the lake "Y-You're not inside, baby please listen to me, go back home right now, please I beg you" he pleaded, ignoring the boys mumbling in the background. "N-No Ha-Harry, I-I'm sorry" I disagreed then hung up as I got to the lake.

"No no no no, don't hang up ple- fuck!" He screamed, standing up and gripping tightly onto his phone. He traced my location, blocking out the boys questions "Harry! What's wrong!" Liam snapped, standing up before him. "Y/N- she- she's going to kill herself, I-I need to go" he stammered, my location filling his screen as he sprinted out the door. The boys ran after him despite the yelling from management and got into the car just before Harry could drive off.

I managed to contain myself as I walked along the ice, it being covered in 8 inches of snow, managing to barricade my way through it. When I finally got to the middle of the lake, I dropped to my knees and starting banging on the ice with my fists, managing to make cracks even though the ice was extremely thick.

Once I managed to make a tiny hole, I continued to make it bigger until I heard yelling from behind me.

"Y/N, Y/N STOP!" Harry shouted from across the lake, sprinting through the woods with the boys however I ignored them. I managed to make a bigger hole so I stood up and turned around, facing them with icy eyelashes and my face a pale white.

"Come back to shore Y/N, we can work this out!" Louis yelled, standing at the edge of the lake with the boys "PLEASE Y/N!" Niall begged, all of them standing anxiously at the edge.

I felt and heard the ice crack between my feet then I just fell straight through, an icy blast shaking through my veins.

"NO!" Harry screamed "Y/N!" The boys shouted, all of them sprinting onto the lake and toward where I fell. "Y/N, Y/N!" Harry cried, managing to be 4 meters ahead of the other three "Y/N!" He yelled, dropping of his knees when he got to the hole.

He reached his hands into the lake but didn't feel anything "Spread out, the current took her!" Liam exclaimed, everyone's hearts pounding as they dug through the snow in different areas.

"Here, she's here!" Louis informed them, moving the snow out of the way to reveal my ice cold body floating under the ice. "MOVE!" Harry demanded, pushing Louis out the way and punching the ice with his fist, blood starting to spill from his knuckles. He continued to punch it as the boys stood around the hole, worried and panicked, trying to keep their eyes on me.

Harry managed to break the ice after about 10 seconds and he reached down to grab my jacket, tightening his grip on it when he felt it and pulled me up onto the ice.

"Someone call 999!" Niall cried, putting his hands on his head in relief. Liam pulled out his phone as Harry layed me down on the ice and began to form CPR "Come on Y/N.." Louis whispered, staring down at me.

Suddenly I started coughing as water came out of my mouth and my whole body was shaking "Oh my god!" Harry exclaimed, pulling me onto his lap and hugging me tightly. He rubbed my back "You scared the life out of me, oh thank god you're okay" he sighed, putting a hand on the back of my head and gently pushing my head into his neck that was wrapped in a scarf.

About 5 minutes later the ambulance and police had arrived and we got back to shore and we were all taken into the ambulance. They layed me down and starting attaching wires and all sorts to me while they cleaned up Harry's fists "How long was she under?" A doctor asked with a clipboard. "Probably around a minute at the most" Niall told them, not taking his gaze off of me. "And how did this happen?" He checked "She- she tried to kill herself, but we tracked her location and managed to save her" Liam sighed, taking his attention away from me.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but I woke up in a hospital bed, Harry in a chair in the corner of the room fast asleep, his head hanging on his shoulder. Then a doctor and nurse came in "You're awake, how are you feeling?" A nurse asked me, putting an arm hand on my forehead which startled Harry and caused him to slowly wake up. "I- okay I think.... what happened?" I replied, rubbing my eyes and trying to remember what happened "You fell through a frozen lake and were under for about a minute" the doctor answered as Harry got up from his seat.

The two employees left and Harry sat on the edge of the bed and took my hands "Do you know how much you scared me? What were you even thinking! If you- god I wouldn't be able to live with myself, why did you do that!" Harry cried, tears running down his cheeks. "Because- everybody hates me Harry, just look at my phone and instagram, you'll see" I exclaimed, looking away from him but he took my chin and pulled me back to face him. "Don't you even dare think about saying that ever again, whatever they said I can assure you it's it true, nobody hates you, they're just jealous of how beautiful and talented and kind and smart you are, you never ever do that again, you tell me how you feel and we will work work it out" he warned me, resting his forehead against mine.

I nodded my as he leaned into kiss me, cupping my cheeks and warming my face with his warm hands "I love you so so much angel, you're so precious and perfect, I don't know what I would do without you" he whispered, keeping his eyes shut but our lips almost touching "C-Can you hold me?" I requested, causing him to open his eyes. He smiled and nodded, laying down next to me in the bed and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me close to him "I love you, thank you" I mumbled, resting my head on his chest.

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