-𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰-

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Preview: You die and Harry isn't coping well..

Lately I've been feeling, well, unwell, I think it's something to do with my chest because it's always feeling tight and it's constantly burning. I haven't told Harry as I don't want to concern him and he's currently on break from four for a week so I just want to make him feel relaxed.

Early on Saturday I decided to get up as I was having trouble breathing and go downstairs to make some tea to hopefully clear my chest. "Where are they.." I mumbled, looking for the teabags. Once I finally discovered the at they were behind the kettle I boiled it and made a cup of tea for both Harry and I.

I began to walk out of the kitchen to the stairs but I felt a sharp pain in my chest causing me to wince and drops the mugs, china shattering everywhere. My hand went over my chest as I leant against a wall, waiting for the pain to disappear.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" I heard Harry call out as he sprinted out of the room and downstairs in just his boxers. He stopped at the bottom step when he saw the china and boiling water all over the floor "Don't move, or step in that" he warned me before jumping over it.

"It's okay Harry, I'll clean it up" I croaked, rubbing my chest and going to get a mop and bin bag. "No no no, I don't want you to cut yourself" he disagreed, snatching the equipment from me and crouching down to pick up the china. I sighed and kneeled down, picking it up and placing it in the bin bag as Harry gave me a look of disapproval.

"What happened, did you slip or something?" He asked, tying the bag up as I brought out the mop. "Yeah- something like that" I stammered, gliding the mop over the now luke warm water. "Okay.. let's go back to bed, it's 8am on Saturday" he replied, grabbing a towel and drying the floor. "Alright.." I responded and out the mop away.

Harry held me close to him in bed, running his hand up and down my arm as he rested his head just above my breasts. Shit. The horrible pain has returned causing me to sit up, pushing Harry off of me and clutch my chest.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did I do something? Are you alright?" Harry panicked, sitting beside me with a concerned look on his face. "I-I'm fine, don't worry" I stuttered, taking in a sharp breath. "No you're not fine, what's wrong, do we need to go to the hospital" he checked "Harry I'm fine, relax" I assured him and lay back down, opening my arms up for him.

He glanced at me and my arms before laying down but pulling my body onto his so my head was on his shoulder. "You promise?" He whispered, looking down at me "Promise" I lied, giving him a small smile.

Harry was leaving tomorrow, going back on tour for 2 months around America with the boys, I was glad because he wouldn't see how ill I know I've become. "I love you so so much" Harry whispered, kissing my lips softly as we layed in bed. "I love you too Haz, so dearly" I replied and he smiled, kissing my lips one more time before nuzzling his head into my neck. "Goodnight my love, I love you" he muttered into my neck. "I love you too" I yawned, snuggling up into his warm body and falling asleep.

The next morning Harry woke up knowing he was leaving today, early as his alarm went off at 5am. He reached to turn it off then flopped back onto the bed, but wait, something felt different, I didn't wake up.

Harry reached out to pull me close to his boys, he definitely felt my body but I was freezing and stiff. "Y/N, wake up" Harry whispered, shaking me as he reached to turn on a lamp.

There I was, laying there lifeless, my body stone cold and stiff "No.. Y/N wake up! Please wake up, this isn't funny!" He exclaimed, placing his arms on my shoulders and shaking me rapidly. He broke down into tears, dropping his head down onto me and crying into my shirt which was actually his. "Y-You can't, Y-Y/N" he sobbed, wrapping his arms around my body and pulling me onto his lap.

My head fell backwards and he put a hand under it to support and brought his body close to mine and just cried, cried his eyes.

That's when his phone started ringing like mad a while later and he eventually answered after 20 missed calls.

"Harry where the hell are you, we're all waiting for you at the airport!" Liam yelled into the phone, clearly frustrated. "S-She's g-gone Li" Harry choked out, crying his eyes out, tears dropping down onto my cheeks. "What- what are you talking about Harry?" He asked, his tone instantly dropping.

"I-I w-woke up an-and Y-Y/N was d-dead n-next to m-me" he croaked, breaking down into tears all over again. "Oh my god.. I am so sorry, we'll come over as soon a possible, have you called 999 yet?" Liam checked, his voice cracking slightly. "N-No".

"Um.. I really don't know what to say" Harry spoke into the microphone, looking at all of the friends and family of his and mine in black, sat in the church. "Y/N was... she didn't tell me that she was sick because she didn't want to worry me, I can't think that it's all my fault that she died.. I didn't do anything" he sighed, fidgeting with his rings, preventing himself from breaking into tears.

"She was.. Y/N was the love of my life, she was perfect, flawless in my eyes, she was so amazingly talented, I've never heard of anyone who's become successful in both the acting and singing business" he commented, looking at the few celebrities that appeared, which actually turned out to be anyone I had worked or collaborated with.

"I-I really miss her, I don't know how I'm going to cope, she was the b-best person I've e-ever met, she got me thr-through so much, I w-wish I c-couldn't told her t-that" he stammered before rubbing his eyes. "I-I just w-want to say I l-love her so so m-much" he chocked out before walking off the stage.

Everyone cheered as my song 'Shake it off' won for favourite song at the people's choice awards. Harry stood up from his table with the boys and walked up onto the stage as the clapping died down.

"Thank you, thank you all so much for voting for Y/N, she would've been so overwhelmed, I'm so happy for her" Harry began into the mic, holding up award. "Now... I know you've all seen the news everywhere, Y/N was the most amazing person I've ever met. She was perfect and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without her by my side. So I-I just want to s-say that I l-love you s-so m-much b-baby, so m-much" he continued before tears began to spill down his cheeks and he walked off stage with the audience clapping.

"Hey mate it's gonna be okay" Niall said as Harry arrived back at their table with tears streaming down his face. "N-No it's n-not" Harry stuttered, slouching when he sat down into his chair and cupped his face. Louis put a hand on his back as Harry sobbed quietly to himself, unsure of what he was going to do.

Harry sat down on the bed last night, scrolling through images of me in his camera roll "W-Why didn't y-you tell me" He whispered, shutting his phone off and going over to my dresser. He hadn't cleaned out anything, my make up, beauty products, clothes, work, nothing at all.

He pulled one of my shirts out and scrunched it up, holding it near his face as he took in my ever lasting scent that had been stained onto the now crinkled shirt. "J-Just c-come back to m-me" he sobbed, collapsing into tears and hugging his knees, rocking himself back and forth.

"Harry... it's time you went out and got some fresh air" Anne sighed as she picked up all of my clothes off the floor. "Put her clothes down" Harry requested, his eyes bloodshot red as he buried himself in the covers with my perfume sprayed on the pillow. "This isn't healthy love, you need to move on" she informed him, perching onto the bed beside him.

"How can I move on when the love of my life died 4 months ago? How can I even pick my life up without her!" He exclaimed, sitting up whilst hugging a pillow "Because that's what Y/N would want! She would want you to move on, be happy, not drown yourself in memories of her for the rest of your life" she answered, running a hand through his hair.

"No.. don't say that... don't say she would want me to move on because to hell with that!" He cried, moving away from her touch. "Please H, we're all so worried for you, your fans, Gemma, me, the boys, Paul, your father, please just shower and at least go on a walk or something out of the house!" She pleaded, standing up and picking my clothes up.

Anne folded them up and placed them neatly back in my wardrobe "I can't mum.. not without her" he whispered, tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks. She came and sat down beside him, pulling him into her side as he sobbed into her shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut. "It's going to be alright..".

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