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Preview: After a long night out with the boys, you were one of the only people who stayed sober all night, along with Amelia and Liam (So so proud of him), so you got the privilege of dealing with drunk Harry all night, the clingy, cuddly drunk Harry in particular


"What time is it?" I asked Amelia as we stood by the bar with our cokes in hand, watching the rest of our group dance like lunatics together, well, Liam was stood with us.

"It is.. officially one am." She announced, looking at her watch.

"Jesus already, god I regret offering to take Louis and Eleanor home." Liam commented, taking a large sip of his mock tail.

"At least you don't have to take Zayn and Niall back, I swear we're gonna end up stopping at McDonald's and then I'll end up ordering dominos at four in the morning." Amelia scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully.

I chuckled softly, chewing down on the paper straw, not smart as now I couldn't use it, oh well.

"S' not funny, Y/N, you're lucky that you've only got Harry to take care of." Liam puffed, sending me a small glare.

"Looking after a drunk Harry is like looking after you five boys combined in the one direction days, impossible." I stated, shaking my head.

"Well at least he's all cute and clingy, Niall literally just cares about food and Irish dancing when he's drunk." Amelia groaned, running both of her hands through her hair.

"You've got to admit it's pretty funny though." Liam grinned, earning a laugh from me and a slap on the arm from Amelia.

We continued talking for about twenty minutes till Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn and Eleanor all stumbled over to us.

"Babyyy, I missed youu." Harry slurred, his arms draping loosely around my neck, a pout on his face.

"I missed you too baby, dancing was fun?" I checked, brushing his curls from his face.

"Yeahhh, lots of fun!" He cheered, a large smile spread across his face.

"That's good, but now I think it's time to go home, it's already twenty past one in the morning." I told him, the smile disappearing.

"No! I wanna stay here, Niall let's go dance-"

"Harry." I warned, my tone changing into the one where Harry would always crumble.

"Y/NNN." He mocked, standing on one of his feet.

"Come on love, we can go home and get you of these sweaty clothes and go to bed." I offered, running my hands along his arms.

"Hmmmm, are you tryingg to sle- seduce me?" He stammered, crossing my arms.

"No I want McDonald's!" I heard Niall protest, Harry and I turning our heads to see Niall stomping his feet.

"Ugh, fine, come on." Amelia reluctantly agreed, tugging on his arm.

"I want the boys to come!" He whined, standing his ground.

"Liam, Louis and Eleanor are already gone and Harry and Y/N are going home, Niall." Amelia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Nopeee, we're coming to McDonald's." Harry corrected, popping the p as a smile spread across Niall's face.

"Yesss." Zayn celebrated, fist pumping the air.

I inhaled a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment, he's drunk, he's drunk, you can go home after and sleep, it's fine.

"Y/N come onnn!"


"M' tired." Harry whispered, his head dropping onto my shoulder while Zayn and Niall continued eating with Amelia's assistance.

I wrapped arm round his shoulder, picking up a napkin and wiping the ketchup off his mouth.

"Let's wait for the boys to finish then we can go." I replied, caressing his shoulder with my thumb.

A small whine escaped his lips, his head throwing backwards to face the ceiling.

"I wanna cuddle." He frowned, starting to fidget in his spot.

"We can cuddle when we get home-" I began however I paused as he straddled my lap, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Or now I guess." I continued, my arms curling around his torso while his hot breath fanned my neck.

"See guys, Harry's tired, he can't go home until you've finished, I'm not ordering another Big Mac." Amelia groaned, nodding her head towards Harry.

"He's weak, we're big boys." Niall announced, sitting up proudly with Zayn.

"M' not weak, Y/N tell him." Harry sniffed, nuzzling his head further into the crook of my neck.

Oh, and Harry's very emotional while drunk too.

"It's okay baby, I know you're not weak." I reassured him, rubbing his back as a few tears escaped his eyes onto my neck.

"Niall you made Hazza cry! Now we're going to get in trouble with Miss bossy pants over here." Zayn hissed, nudging his shoulder.

"Well sorry, what are we going to do?" Niall asked, leaning in towards him.

"I don't know, it's your fault!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"


"Shut up!" Amelia scolded, slapping Niall's arm.

"Ow." He puffed, rubbing his elbow.


"Get it off." Harry whined, tugging on his T-shirt while I shut the curtains.

"Patience my love." I replied, walking back over to him.

"I can't- too hot, take it off." He pleaded, putting his arms up on the air.

I lifted the black top over his head, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as he fumbled with his belt.

"Here bubs." I commented, unbuckling the belt and sliding it out of the jeans.

Harry groaned as he managed to pull the jeans down, stepping out of them then yanking his briefs down.

He jumped face first onto the bed while I picked up the clothes, throwing them into the laundry basket.


"Y/NNNN!" Harry screamed for the thousandth time, now I was in the bathroom taking off my makeup where as Harry was in the bedroom.

I grabbed my towel, patting my face dry as Harry continued shouting.

"Y/- yay." He began as I shut the bathroom door, wondering over to the bed.

"Now it's time to sleep, you must be exhausted." I remarked, climbing in beside him and switching the lamp off.

"Mmmm only a tiny winy incy bit." He mumbled, laying on top of me, his head resting on my boobs.

"Okay baby, but I'm going to sleep, I love you so so much, to the moon and back." I whispered, my fingers brushing through his hair.

"I love you too, like, more than anything else in the whole wide world, you are my most favouritest person, I love you like Jack loves daisy- no rose, and like, iron man loves the pepper girl." He muttered, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Wow, that's a lot of love."

"I know, and I love you a whole lot more, more than a bunch of grapes."

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