-𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘭-

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Preview: Harry Edward Styles is definitely one of the most famous pop singers to currently be living, but he is one of the most selfish people you will ever meet, and he is Meg by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future for the good of the people surrounding him and to realise what his snobby behaviour can cause


"No Jeff it is not coming out in a week, it is coming out in two weeks as planned to create suspension, god use your head!" Harry exclaimed as he walked down the halls of his studio building in New York "Yes but Harry it will be good profit" Jeff tried to compromise, following Harry around the building with his personal assistant. "Jeff just leave me alone, I'm in charge, not you, get your head in the game, now it's coming out in two weeks, end of!" He finalised and stopped in the elevator as it pinged and shut on the 3 employees.

Harry arrived back home to where I was decorating the Christmas Tree "Oh hey sweetheart, I didn't here you come in, how was the studio?" I asked, putting the tinsel around the branches. "Don't ask, and don't add tinsel it looks ridiculous" Harry replied, sitting down on the couch and pulling out his phone. "Okay.. do you want to help decorate the tree?" I wondered, removing the tinsel from the tree "No you do it, I'm just going to go answer this call, be back in five" he told me and got up, leaving the room to go to his office as per usual.

I sighed, I know I can change him, under all of that horrid and selfishness is a lovely man that everybody is saying there isn't, my whole family went against me for this relationship. But come on, what's so bad about tinsel?

After an hour long phone call Harry finally came back out and sat down at the table where I was laying the food "Thanks" he said and started eating. "Course, so, it's Christmas tomorrow, thought we could maybe go out to lunch with the boys?" I suggested, hoping he wouldn't blow off another opportunity to hang out with people. Harry chocked on his steak and put his fork down "You're joking right, god why do you think the band broke up, they were extremely irritating, now can we just eat and not mention anything, boring" he requested an continued eating. That was it.

"Oh my god you're always like this, you always blow off my ideas, I'm sick of it Harry, I'm sick of you!" I yelled, getting up from the table and throwing my napkin on the plate. "Like what?" He defended himself, putting a shocked face on "Stop acting so fucking clueless! You're slowly breaking my heart, everyone told me not to date you because you're a selfish, arrogant prick but I ignored them because I thought I could change you, but I was wrong again!" I cried, the mascara on my lashes slowly mixing with my tears.

"Oh please, me?! You don't give me a fucking break even when I'm so tired after a long long day at the studio, and we're talking about me here?!" Harry shouted, throwing a fist onto the table, smashing a plate. My mouth went dry as I tried to speak but no words other than "I'm going to bed" came out and I walked out the room in fear and shock. "Jesus Christ, can't I just have one night" he mumbled and walked over to the bar.

I felt the bed dip as the clock struck 11pm, 1 hour till Christmas at least, and two hands wrap around my waist, pulling me close to a warm body. Harry's head nestled into the crook of my neck and his breathing was slow and warm as he soon fell asleep like nothing had ever happened, prick.

"Harry Edward Styles" a voice boomed from somewhere in the room and Harry shot up, looking around sharply and noticing I wasn't in the bed. "Y-Y/N, darling? If this is some sick joke then it's not funny!" Harry stated, looking around the room for me from the bed. "You can come out now!" He added, looking under the bed.

He felt his body being forced up and a weird, white, ghost angel girl appeared in front of him, floating in a mid air "Holy shit, that's fucked up" Harry swore, putting his hands on his head and pushing himself into the headboard. "Harry Edward Styles, I am the Ghost of Christmas Past, your past" the small but loud voice announced "Right..why?" He checked, raising an eyebrow. "Come, rise with me" it commanded and Harry looked up and down "Look mate, we're on a planet called earth where gravity doesn't allow you to do that, so I'm afraid, I'm just going to have to go back to sleep and wake up next to my girlfriend tomorrow morning" he judged and pulled the covers back over himself.

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