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Preview: It's your birthday, 28th of May, and you're turning 25, however Harry forgot all about it..


Finally, it's my birthday, the one day of the year where I don't have to worry about anything but having fun. Harry rolled onto his side and pulled me close to his chest when we finally woke up "G'morning beautiful" He said in a hoarse voice, kissing my lips gently.

"Morning, what do you wanna do today?" I asked quietly, still getting used to the daylight.

"I'm going out with the boys dinner, wanna come?" Harry asked groggily.

I silenced, he couldn't of forgotten, 25 marks half way to 50, 1/4 of the way to 100, now that may seem a bit dramatic but it's true.

"Baby?" He mumbled, snapping me back into reality.

"Oh- uhm yeah sure, I think I'm gonna go get some breakfast" I agreed, getting out of bed and putting my slippers and dressing gown on.

"Nooo stay" he whined, gently holding my wrist.

"Let me go Harry, I'm hungry" I told him sternly, pulling my worst away and going downstairs leaving Harry feeling hurt and confused.

I made myself a birthday omelette since Harry obviously wasn't gonna bother making me anything or taking me out and put it down on the breakfast bar while I made a cup of tea.

Harry wondered downstairs and sat down in front of my plate "Thanks sweetheart" he said, taking a knife and fork. I already knew he was eating my birthday breakfast so I didn't need to turn around, I just watched the kettle boil sadly, not letting any tears overcome me.

"Sure" I mumbled, pouring the boiling water into a mug with a teabag.

He looked up at me while eating "You alright, you seem a bit quiet" he checked.

"I'm fine Harry, just finish your breakfast and don't worry about me" I answered through gritted teeth, not evening using a nickname like darling or baby. Harry sighed and continued eating as I left with my tea, wondering what's gotten into me.

Later that day I was wearing some jeans and a sweater while I went on instagram and thanked everyone for all the birthday wishes. There was knock at the front door which Harry answered and funnily enough it was the postman with about 20 boxes all labelled for me.

"Uhhh babe, did you go shopping?" Harry asked as I got up and went and signed.

"Thank you" I said then shut the front door, carrying them to the living room.

Harry followed in curiously "Can you stop ignoring me for fucks sake!" He exclaimed, sitting down next to me.

"Sorry.." I murmured, opening the first parcel.

It was a picture book that was customised off all of the photos I've had on set while shooting movies, a double page for each movie.

I flipped through the book as Harry watched "That was a nice thing for someone to do" he mumbled into his water.

A hum left my lips in response as I opened the next parcel, revealing a box full of all sorts of chocolate and sweets "Holy shit" Harry gasped, looking at all the variety.

Once I finished opening all the parcels Harry leaned back on the couch "What's the deal with all the gifts, did you buy them or did something happen..?" He asked confused.

"I brought some, some are well down presents from my cast for finishing the movie" I lied, taking the presents and walking upstairs.

"Y/N what is up with you today!" Harry yelled after me, following me upstairs.

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