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Preview: You and Harry had a little different time in the bedroom last night and which ended up with him being cuffed and blindfolded to the bed. He accidentally called you 'Mommy' while you were blowing him ending up in that becoming your nickname for the rest of the night. The next day you were visiting Harry's family home and while you were all singing down for dinner, he accidentally called you 'Mommy'.


"Good morning handsome.." I whispered, Harry's head resting on my bare chest as he began to wake up. My nails ran up and his arms, the tickling feeling being a sensation he loved to be woken up with after a long night of sex. "Mmmm, last night was amazing" he mumbled, snuggling up closer to me if that was even possible. "I'm glad" I muttered, letting out a short yawn.

"We have dinner with my family later.." he groaned, burying his head into the valley of my breasts. "Who's going?" I wondered, remembering that he told me a few weeks ago it was more of a gathering. "Mum.....Gem...uhh Mike, Aunt Dee, Uncle Mike and Ben and Ella.." he murmured, turning onto his back and rubbing face. "What time are we meant to be there?" I asked, turning onto my side and propping myself up with my elbows to look at me "2pm" he yawned, stretching his arms and legs out "And what time is it now?" I checked, flopping onto my back.

"Half one... half one- shit we overslept!" He exclaimed, jumping out of the bed but ending up on the floor. I poked my head over the side "You alright lover boy?" I chuckled at his naked figure laying spread out across the floor. "No... my legs are numb, thanks so much" he huffed and ended up limping across the the bathroom. "Your welcome!" I called out after him as he shut the door.

Then a few minutes later I heard a loud bang "Ow, fuck!" Harry yelled which caused me to get out of the bed and go check on him. I opened the bathroom door to see him sat on the shower floor, rubbing his head "How about I shower with you and make sure you don't fall over?" I suggested and he nodded at me still wincing.

I helped him up then stood in the shower with him, reaching to grab my body wash but he grabbed my shoulders as his knees caved. My arms quickly slid around his waist, helping him back to his feet and he just hugged me "If I let go, I am going to crack my bloody head open" he complained, trying to keep his feet still. "Now you know how I feel" I remarked and he just rolled his eyes "Haha so funny".

We arrived at quarter to three and Harry knocked on the door to find his mother opening it with a disappointed look on her face "Harry, what time do you call this!" Anne exclaimed, he would never get to old for his mother to tell him off. "Sorry sorry, we overslept and I fell in the shower and my head hurts, I can't deal with today" he half-heartedly apologised and moved past her to greet his family.

"Sorry about him, I told him to take some ibuprofen but he denied needing it" I told Anne, gifting her a bouquet of flowers while she welcomed me. "That boy, thank you dear" she smiled and went to put them in a vase.

I went into the living room to be greeted with plenty of hugs and kisses on cheeks, Gemma dragging me to sit down next to her "Gem that's my fiancé" Harry whined as he layed on the couch opposite, yawning and holding his head. "You get her all the time, it's nice to share Harry" she scoffed and looked at me, she loved all the details of embarrassing things Harry got up to and the celebrity gossip.

"Harry take these pills, it will help your head" Anne instructed Harry, walking in with a glass of water and two ibuprofens. "I don't want to" he complained, hiding his face into a pillow. "Harry" I warned and he reluctantly sat up and snatched the medicine from his mother.

"Wow, first time he's actually down something without being forced" his half-brother Mike teased "Shut up" Harry mumbled, handing the glass back to his mother after he downed the whole thing. "So how are you guys?" I asked Harry's aunt and uncle, crossing one leg other my knee.

"We're doing fine thank you, how about you?" His aunt Dee replied, smiling and returning the favour. "A little tired but I'm alright thanks" I responded, silently thanking Anne for the tea she gave me. "We um watched your new movie, the Adam Project I think, it's really really good" Ben told me "Oh thank you, it was definitely an amazing cast and it was very amusing to film" I answered, taking a sip of tea.

"Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively even came to our house for dinner" Harry added to my reply, trying to sit up and involve himself. "Now that is just awesome" Ella commented and we all laughed.

Later on we were all sitting down for dinner, I was in between Harry and Gemma, directly in front of the roast pork. "Hey mommy can you pass me the salt?" Harry asked, gesturing to me as I was closest to it.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Harry, Anne was at the opposite end of the table to him. He smacked his hand over his mouth when he realised what he just said, I could notice he was starting to panic. I stood up and took his arm, leading him out of the dining room into the living room which was on the other side of the house.

I sat down on the couch and Harry sat down on my lap, curling into a ball and breaking into tears. "Hey hey hey, it's going to be okay, don't worry" I cooed, rubbing his back as he relentlessly cried into my shoulder. "I-I-I" he sobbed, gripping onto my shirt and squeezing it tightly with his hands. "Shhhh love it's okay, baby don't worry about it" I whispered, running my hand through his curls.

Gemma knocked on the door and came in, sitting down opposite us "Harry it's okay, nobody cares, relax" she reassured him, trying to catch his gaze however he just hid his face in my neck and continued to cry his eyes out. "I-I w-wa-want to g-g-go h-home" he managed to stammer out before breaking into another fit of tears.

"You don't want to stay for dinner? Your mum brought ice cream for pudding?" I asked, knowing that he absolutely adores ice cream. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around my neck "It's okay Harry, really" Gemma tried to assure him, putting an arm on his shoulder. He flinched away "P-Pl-Please" he begged, looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Harry but we're staying the night.." I said, looking down at him and running my hands through his hair. "I-I-I c-c-can't" he cried and dug his into the crook of my neck again. "Don't worry Harry" Gemma told him "G-G-Go away" he responded to her and she sighed. "Alright.." she reluctantly agreed and walked out.

"I-I can't face th-them" Harry stuttered, looking up at me with flushed cheeks and teary eyes. "They don't care Harry, honestly...".

I regret saying that because it wasn't true, Anne did care because I am in the guest room now and Harry is in his old bedroom. At around 11pm I had fallen asleep after I had blocked out the sound of Harry arguing with his mother about sleeping in separate beds for me.

Then in the middle of the night I was woken up by the bedroom door creaking open. I yawned and checked the time, 1:30am and I groaned till I felt the bed dip and two arms wrap around me.

"Harry? It's half one in the morning" I mumbled, still half-asleep. He layed on top of me and I huffed "Comfy?" I scoffed, wrapping my arms around him. "Couldn't sleep without you" he muttered, placing a few kisses onto my neck. "Really?" I hummed and he nodded, trailing his lips downwards. "Your mum is already pissed at us Harry, this isn't going to make it any better" I chuckled quietly.

"Need you too" he added and lifted my night shirt over my head. "You don't sound very tired" I commented as he ran his hands down my body. "M' not, haven't slept, need you.." he whispered "I can't believe I'm agreeing to this" I huffed "I can.." he teased earning a smack on the head.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" Anne screamed the next morning.

We were both startled to find her standing at the door "MUM! GET OUT!" Harry shouted, grabbing the duvet and pulling it other out bare bodies. "What did I say!" She warned him "I'm 26 I can do what I want now get out!" He yelled at her and she stormed out the room, slamming the door on her way out.

"I'm never coming here again"

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