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Preview: You overhear Harry on the phone to his mum talking about how he is constantly being smothered in hugs and affection and how he's getting tired of it.


I stared at myself in the mirror while brushing my teeth. I've never been too happy with my appearance. But ever since I met Harry my view on myself has began to change into something more positive. He makes me feel, well, basically like I'm the only girl in the world.

He's currently on the phone with his mum, so I decided now would be best to brush my teeth to respect his privacy. I couldn't hear their conversation because of the buzzing anyway.

Once the buzzing had stopped I spat out the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed my toothbrush off with some water.

"I don't know mum. I know you like her and I do too but she's just so freaking affectionate. She's constantly trying to sit on my lap or get my attention even when I'm trying to cook or work! It's driving me insane, I don't know how much longer I can put up with her coming over. And I don't even know how to make her back off! Every time I try and get her off me she always whines and grips onto me clothes harder. It's so annoying....."

My hand was frozen on the door handle. Fuck.

He's going to break up with me.

Shit shit shit.

I can't believe I've made him feel that way. I need to fix it. It's okay. I'll distance myself.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's not okay.

He thinks I'm clingy for crying out loud.

I stumbled backwards into the bathroom, slowly sliding down onto the floor.

My back was against the bathtub and my side against the wall.

I noticed the tears forming in my eyes. I noticed my vision going blurry. I noticed my damp cheeks. I noticed my small sniffs. I noticed the quiet sobs. I noticed it all.

Unfortunately, so did he.

"Mum I'm going to have to call you back. Yeah, sorry, love you lots, bye."

I heard the duvet cover being thrown off the bed through the door so I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Baby? The doors locked, can you please let me in?" Harry's voice echoed my thoughts.

Not what he said though.

The 'She's for freaking affectionate' and 'It's so annoying'.

"Baby. Please unlock the door I could hear you while I was on the phone. What's the matter?" Harry pleaded, still knocking lightly on the door.

I squeezed my eyes shut, praying the tears would stop or Harry would just fuck off.

"Y/N please tell me what's wrong. I can't bear the fact that you're in the crying and I'm out here doing nothing to help you feel better." He almost sounded desperate that I let him in.

Desperate. Please, do me a favour.

"Y/N! The least you can do is open the door or at least say something." He exclaimed, the knocking turning into banging and rattling the door handle.

I took in a deep breath, standing up and facing myself in the mirror.

I don't see the girl I saw a few minutes ago.

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