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Preview: The boys challenge you and Harry, we'll mainly Harry, to not kiss, cuddle, anything 'coupley' for a whole week..


"No!" Harry objected as soon as Liam suggested not being able to touch me for a week, jumping from the couch in disapproval. "Nope, no, not happening, no way, absolutely not, that is the most crazy thing I've ever heard!" He added, putting a hand to Liam's face.

"I think it would be fun, funny for us, good for your relationship" Niall chuckled whilst munching on a bag of Doritos "Not good, not good! Niall it would be like you not being allowed to have Nando's for the rest of your life!" Harry corrected him, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Do I not get a say in this, after all I am 50% of the relationship?" I interrupted, causing the four boys to turn to me, midst conversation.

"You're actually considering this?!" Harry exclaimed in shock, his jaw dropping drastically "Just think about it, one week, it will be fun, then we never have to do it again" I shrugged, playing with the strings on my hoodie.

"Fun?! It's like a punishment from satan, and I didn't even do anything to deserve it!" He cried, slumping onto the couch and crossing his arms, pouting his lips. "All votes for the suggestion!" Louis yelled in a posh accent, suddenly holding a plastic hammer in his hand.

"Where the hell did you get a hammer, we're on a tourbus in LA?!" Liam laughed, clapping his hands in amusement "That is besides the point Mr Payne, all those in favour, raise your hands!" Louis snapped, as if he was on SNL.

We all raised our hands apart from Harry "It is settled, the next time they can touch each other is a week at 4:08pm" Louis announced and hit the hammer down on the coffee table.

"I- this is the shittiest thing you lot have ever done, at least let me have one more kiss" Harry scoffed, turning to me "Please baby" he requested, his voice softening.

"One!" Niall agreed and Harry leaped up from the couch, jumping onto the other couch which I was on and cupping my cheeks, kissing me passionately. He bit my lip softly in a request to deepen the kiss however he was tugged back onto the floor by Louis.

"Enough, it starts now!"

The first few days were easy, but now we were four days in and Harry was getting relentless, like literally. We were currently laying in bed, my back facing him however I wasn't asleep even though it was 2am, annoying right?

Harry shuffled around in the sheets again, huffing and puffing "Harry" I grumbled, throwing a pillow at him. "You brought this upon yourself" he hissed, throwing the pillow onto the floor.

"Fucking stay still or I'll make it two weeks" I threatened and he immediately froze in his position, the rustling of sheets no longer to be heard. He muttered something under his breath however I managed to doze off, finally, hopefully in the morning I won't be sleep deprived.

The next morning I managed to drag myself out of bed, absolutely exhausted as I meandered downstairs, we were now in my beach house along the coast for a day break, to find the boys in the kitchen, either eating toast or cereal, the bowl of fruit full to the brim.

"You look like shit" Louis grinned into his coffee and I yawned, shaking my head "She looks beautiful" Harry shot back, glaring at Louis and Liam gave him a warning look "What? Just because I can't touch her doesn't mean I still can't love her, that would be literally impossible!" He remarked, shoving a piece of Pain Au Chocolat in his mouth.

"Baby at least eat a piece of fruit as I know for sure you won't later" I sighed, taking a punnet of strawberries out of the fridge and taking out a chopping board. "Why are you so tired?" Niall asked, snatching one of the strawberries and plopping it in his mouth.

Harry Styles ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ