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I woke up at 8 AM to get ready for church since I ain't been there for a while. I'm glad that I do that often because it's a lot of shady shit going on behind closed doors especially when them preachers stealing money and shit.

The only reasons they gotten away with a lot of shit because of the statue of limitation thing where they can't pressed chargers after its ran out. Hell, half of the pastor is a freaking pedophile because I've been hearing some many cases where they messes around little kids and gets away with it for years until the fed finally caught them.

Y'all be wondering why so many victim waited years to come out especially teenager because of the victim blaming bullshit. I may got mixed feelings with the whole "MeToo Movement" thing but not all of the victim of sexual assault ain't lying no matter it's a boy or a girl.

When I'm finished doing my morning hygiene, I went back to my room as I put the pad on my underwear, put the tampon in between my legs, sprayed my cat, put on my bra and underwear set, lotion my body, put on some deodorant and put on nude sweater and blue jeans since them people at my grandma's church don't care about anybody wearing the jeans to church anyways.

Christina's outfit👖👚👗

I needs to take a Midol before I leave for church because my stomach is cramping

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I needs to take a Midol before I leave for church because my stomach is cramping. I mean, I just started bleeding and it's always does that for the first 2 days even though I deal with that shit for 5-6 days. 

When I'm finished curling my hair, I put socks and shoes on, sprayed myself, grabs my things and went to the kitchen as I getting ready to say something to my parents.
"Good morning mom and dad", I said as I took out the coffee mug and the pumpkin spice coffee creamer.
"Good morning Chris, the breakfast is almost finished", My mom said since she flipping on the pancake. 

Yes, I got enough time to eat breakfast since it's after 9 AM and the church service ain't going to start until 11 AM anyways. I know who invited us to the church, it's was my grandma since my dad had her on speaker last night while I'm in the kitchen making brownies for everybody. 

I don't really wants to go but I'm going to the church and her house because I ain't seen her since she moved to Inglewood. I know Kyla and Aunt Shella going to be there. I don't know about Uncle James because he didn't come to the cookout the last time because he had to work that day. 


After my parents and I spend about 30 minutes ride with nothing but jazz music playing in the background, my parents pulled up to the church parking lot since my dad just turned the music down. All 3 of us got out of the car as my dad locked the door and walking on the church parking lot as I waved at my grandma, Kyla and Aunt Shella.

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