Outstanding Teju

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A few moments before, Teju and Adaa were sitting on the bench in the hospital’s park and Teju informed Adaa what has happened in the dean’s cabin. How arrogant and egoistic the dean of this college is, and she is very disappointed with him.

Adaa rubbed Teju's shoulder considerately. “Teju, relax. Don’t get disheartened. You can complete your internship in any hospital. Any college would be proud of the fact that the state topper will be a part of their hospital. It’s Prakash hospital’s bad luck that they are losing two genius doctors, Teju Kapoor and Adaa Khan.”

Teju tilted her head in surprise and raised her eyebrows at Adaa with a questionable gaze.

“Don’t look at me like this; if you will not do your internship from Prakash hospital, then I will also withdraw my name from here. We were together everywhere since we were kids, so why to split the path at this moment?” Adaa said to encourage her friend.

Teju shook her head at seeing her crazy friend Adaa. “But Adaa, I want to do my internship from Prakash hospital only. You know, it was my parents’ dream. Mom told me.” Teju’s eyes turned glassy at the thought of disappointing her parents.

Adaa felt bad for her best friend. Teju never gets discouraged, let alone tears up. What’s more, just now she addressed Adaa with her full name rather than initials. That is really huge for her.

“Should I seek my dad’s help?” Adaa is a daughter of a home minister. She can force anyone with political pressure with the click of a finger.

“Of course not, AK. If this would be the only way, then even I could have used the power of my brother. Varun Kapoor, he is also a big name in the country, but I am not like others. I want to achieve my success on my own.”

“Alright, calm down and take some deep breath. I know as usual you will find a solution to this problem too. Just refresh yourself with the beautiful view.”

Teju sighed and started looking at the kids who were playing merrily in the play area of the park. ‘Seems like they all are patients, wearing patient’s uniform, but looking so cute and innocent.’

Teju loved kids so much; she always helps her sister-in-law, Dhanya Kapoor, to raise her little niece. Even though kids are enjoying in the park, a frown line appeared on Teju’s face seeing the doctor in charge who is responsible for kids was constantly busy on mobile and least interested in her duty.

Dr. Rashmi had brought the kids to the park, but she was fed up with the naughty kids. “Hey, kids don’t run, and don’t do anything mischievous.” After every few minutes, she kept on yelling and again leaned on her mobile screen.

“Hey, you don’t go so far. Come here.” Dr. Rashmi yelled again to a fat little kid who was playing near the small gate, connecting the hospital and park internally.

“No aunty, I would like to play here with this rope.” The little boy denied and kept on playing with the thing he liked.

“Don’t call me aunty.” Dr. Rashmi screamed angrily and mumbled some curses under her breath. “Oh god, these kids are so annoying. Why does Dr. Yuvika always have to appoint me to the children’s ward. Old patients are much better, they always sleep.”

Teju and Adaa laughed, seeing the annoyed doctor when the little kid called her aunty.

“What kind of doctor have they appointed for the kids? She is the least bothered.” Teju said with disappointment.

“I was thinking the same.”

Teju and Adaa looked at each other and shared their views about the careless doctor and that was the moment they failed to notice something, which lead the whole situation into an accident.

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