New school

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Rose POV

I could feel him watching me again. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up while I slowly turned around. My emerald eyes met with sapphire eyes while my core started to heat up. What the heck? I thought to myself.

"Rose...Rose! Can you read the next paragraph?"

"Sorry Mr. Lucien" I mumbled. "Ummm..."

Ding ding ding. Saved by the bell!

"Miss Canto, I suggest you follow along with the rest of the class next time."

My cheeks burned while my classmates snickered around me. I hurriedly packed my notebooks and laptop into my backpack and shot up and out of the classroom before I could embarrass myself further.

Oooof! I was met with a hot and solid wall right outside the door.

"Hey, you're Rose, right?" The boy with the sapphire eyes inquired in the deepest melodious voice I've ever heard.

"Um, yes Rose Canto. Who are you?"

"I'm Damien Jones."

"Well it's nice to meet you but I really need to get to my next class." I started to walk off when I felt a large hand on my elbow.

"I'll walk you. It must suck being new and not knowing where any of the classrooms are."

I looked up into those dreamy eyes and could see my reflection in them.

"Hey Rose? You ok?" Damien asked.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry I was daydreaming. Sure if you could walk me to my next class I'd appreciate it. I'm in the Westmore building for theatre next."

"Of course I'd be happy to. did you end up in Mill City, Oregon? We don't get a lot of new people in this school so it's nice to see a new face."

"I just moved from Texas. I spent most of my childhood there and recently my grandfather and grandmother both passed away and left our family their house so we decided to move in. So now I'm in my senior year in a new school, in a new state and in a new house." Damn now I'm venting. This dude is going to think I'm dramatic.

"Well that sucks but at least you have one new friend." Damien shoots me a wink and my cheeks heat up again. Be cool Rose. He probably winks at every girl. I mean look at him. With his dark brown chocolate hair, eyes bluer than the deepest part of the ocean, a good 6 inches taller than me, bulging tan arms probably, from football, and a voice that would make an angel weep, he can literally have any girl he wants.

"Thank you." I whispered

"Alright Rosalie we are here. I have to get to my class but I hope to see you soon." Damien shoots me a perfect smile with sexy dimples. Keep it in your pants Rose.

Damien POV

I watch Rose as she walked away with those juicy hips and ass swaying back and forth in those little white shorts. Damn I can't wait until she's mine. I can already imagine her sweet dusky nipples in my mouth while her angelic voice moans my name. Shit! I can't go to class with a hard-on. I started walking towards my class and thinking as many gross thoughts as I can.

"Damien!" Shit not her.

I start sprinting away to escape the annoying high pitched voice of Layla.

"Sorry I'm running behind for class!" I start running even faster to make sure she can't catch up. Well at least my dick isn't hard anymore.

"Hey dude where the fuck you been? You're never running late. You get some pussy on the way to class?" My twin brother Brent snickered.

"Shut the fuck up dude." I whispered.

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