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Maximus's POV

I couldn't fall back asleep. Something is wrong, I just know it. I sat up and tried calling the others but was unable to reach anyone.

"Fuck this plant!" I exclaimed, throwing my phone down on the bed. I shifted and hopped down off the bed to go take a piss.

When I was done relieving myself, I strode to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

"You couldn't sleep either?" Colten asked me. I shook my head no.

"Why don't we go straight to the source?" He then asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"I mean why don't we go take care of Lucifer ourselves? I say that we call up Abigail and see what she can help us with. Neither of us can sleep anyway." He said.

"Okay, call her." I told him. What have we got to lose anyway?

He tried to call but she didn't answer. "I'll just send her a text for now." He huffed. I grunted in reply and set out to make my sandwich.

"Hey bro, is there any blood in the fridge? Toss me a bottle." He said.

I grabbed a bottle of the red liquid and chunked it his way. He caught it easily and chugged. "Thanks."

Shortly after I finished my sandwich and cleaned up when Colten's phone dinged.

"Abigail said she'll come over. Get a shirt on and hide your shame." He pinched my abs and laughed.

"Har har har." I mimicked him.

Not long afterwards Abigail showed up at the front door.

"Alright boys, what do you need me for at this time of night?" She asked.

"We want to take care of Lucifer. He has our babies and we're concerned that time is wasting away." I told her.

She nodded and tsk'd. "I'm not sure what you want from me."

Colten then asked, "but you must know something that you can do, right?"

"Well...I could summon him. But that will piss him off. I trust Patricia told you this right?" She said.

At the reminder of Pat, I became solemn. Abigail noticed the mood shift in the room and she changed the subject.

"Can you help us make this flower grow quicker?" Colten suddenly asked. I perked up, that would help.

"Sure." She flicked her finger at the plant and it sprouted almost immediately.

"Fucking thanks!" I told her appreciatively.

"One last favor, can you transport us to Stonehenge?" Colten asked.

"Sure. Then I'm headed home to go back to sleep. You're lucky I woke up at all to use the bathroom." She complained.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks." I told her. She muttered a few words and then I felt a squeezing sensation before appearing at Stonehenge.

"Honey, I'm home!" I said out loud to no one in particular.

"You're an idiot." Colten muttered.

"Shit. We don't have fresh virgin blood." I told him.

"Damn it! I guess we can go check the hotel we stayed at before? We're kinda stuck here now." He said.

Damn. We should've thought this one through.

Rose's POV

I woke up feeling like I was overheating. I squirmed in the covers and tried to free myself from the heavy arm that was around my waist.

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