Unwanted Feelings

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Maximus's POV

I stared down the empty tea mug. I had to dump the awful liquid, again. Monica has been up my ass following me everywhere so I've had to become creative about how I get rid of it. This last time I had to dump it in a potted plant as I walked by it.

"Max, what are you hiding?" She asked, slowly approaching.

"Nothing. Just frustrated because you won't let me out of this damn apartment." I answered.

She huffed haughtily before walking away.

All of a sudden, I was hit with a huge pain in my head. "Fuck!" I growled out.

"What's the matter?" I hear Monica yell from the other room.

"Nothing!" I called out to her.

I held my head and walked slowly to the couch, plopped down on it and closed my eyes. I felt something breaking through. A face. The most beautiful face I've ever seen. This angel had long red hair, green eyes and a large stomach. Pregnant? Am I a father?" The vision slowly faded away but I can never forget those eyes. I think I've found what I'm missing. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Someone knocked on the door, I jumped up and tried to open it but had no luck.

"Get away from the door!" Monica yelled out.

"I thought I wasn't being held against my will?" I countered.

"You don't need to concern yourself with things outside of this apartment." She said.

I watched her wave her hands and say a few words before going to open it up. I waited with bated breath to see if I could push my way through and escape.

Joel' POV

We just got off the video call with Sophie. I can't believe that we missed the birth of our babies. Damn it Max! Damn it Brent!

I looked over at Brent and saw tears falling from his eyes. He's one of the last people I ever expected to see cry. Damien was also crying and I don't know where Colten walked off to. I walked towards the balcony and found him standing out there.

"Hey bro, you alright?" I asked.

"Yea, I guess. I just can't believe that we weren't there." He sighed, "and I know that she's all of our mates but it kind of bothers me that the babies are probably Brent's or Damien's. After all, twins don't run in my family, I'm not sure about yours though."

"Nah, they don't run in mine. But you know what, we just have to make sure that we impregnate her next. We'll just keep her pregnant until she has had at least one for each of us." I told him, making him laugh.

"Come on bro let's go inside and celebrate. We may not be there but that doesn't mean we can't still have a party. I'm sure there's some alcohol we can order from this hotel and tomorrow we can go to that apartment complex and get Max." I told him.

We walked inside and I went to the phone and called for room service, ordering us some liquor. Thank you Hollywood.

After it arrived I poured us all some vodka and we took shots until Brent was nearly naked, Damien was pensive, Colten was singing, and I was just sitting, missing my mate.

I sent her a text message and told her to call me when she got a chance. I can't wait to go home and hold my babies for the first time. What did she even name them? Did she go with the names that she was thinking of previously? I'm missing so much already and it's pissing me off.

"Come on losers, time for bed. We've partied hard enough and we still have a flight to catch in the morning." I told them. We all crashed, Damien and Brent shared a bed, Colten took the couch and I took the other bed. I laid there, thinking about everything that's happened so far this year. At the beginning of it I would've never imagined that I'd get back together with Rose nor that she'd be my mate. It's been a huge blessing from the gods. I eventually closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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