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Joel's POV

We just got the call from the others that the bounty for Rose has already been claimed.

"I guess we need to go to Vegas." Colten said. Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

"So are we driving or flying? Garrett asked.

"WE are flying, I don't know what you're going to do." I tell him.

"That's some bullshit. You need all the help you can get." Garrett spat.

"We have help, Sebastian, the vampire king, is going to meet us there. After all his girlfriend, who is my sister, was also taken." Colten argued.

"Stop! Ok you can come but don't try any funny business. I'm still not convinced you have nothing to do with her disappearance." I tell him pointedly.

"For the last time, why would I give her to someone else? At least with you guys she was happy. If she can't be with me I'd rather she be with you." Garrett exclaimed.

We waited for Garrett to pack his shit so we could drive to the airport. His brothers weren't happy but he's a grown ass man so they couldn't stop him.

"So how do we find her when we arrive?" Garrett asked.

I answered, "so Max said there are portals to Hell in Vegas, we just have to find a demon who's willing to let us enter one. The demons in Vegas are trickier. They are all hand-picked by the princes and less likely to fall for our bullshit. If we could find someone who hates Asmodeus and is able to get us in, that would be ideal." I tell them.

We talked over our plans until we arrived at the airport and boarded our flight.

"Damn I hate flying." I tell the others. Wolves are meant to be on the ground, not in the air. I feel completely disconnected up here.

"Quit yer bitchin' wolf boy. It's only a few hours flight." Garrett said.

I gave him a look filled with disdain and then closed my eyes. Maybe if I fall asleep it'll go by quicker.

Next thing I know I'm being shaken awake, thank the gods.

"Come on princess, we're here." Garrett said.

The three of us try to shuffle out of the cramped space and then we disembark.

After getting our luggage we find the other guys. Brent is holding a stupid sign that says, "welcome home my gay love." Seriously bro. We walk up to them and I punch Brent in the gut.

"Ow! What was that for honey?"

"Cut the crap, Brent. I'm too irritated for this shit." I tell him.

"Seriously bro, you need to get over your disdain for flying. It's way quicker than driving." Colten tells me. I glare at him and turn to Max.

"Do you know any demons that would be willing to let us enter Hell through a portal?" I ask him.

"No. We may be able to find one at a strip club though. They love places with debauchery." I notice Damien shudder.

"What's up with you?" I tilt my chin at him.

"Let's just say we had a bad experience at the candy shop already." Brent answers for him.

I shrug off the comment and turn to Garrett.

"This is the main ex. The one she never told any of us about." I throw in that tidbit for him to digest.

Garrett moves forward to shake each of the guys' hands.

"I'm Brent, the sexy one." Max rolls his eyes at him.

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