The Results

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Rose's POV

"Congratulations Miss. Canto, you're pregnant. Would you like a copy of the ultrasound?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, please." I answered. How do I give my mates the news? I'm only 18. Will they want this baby? I haven't met him/her yet I'm feeling very protective of them.

"How far along am I?" I asked.

"You seem to be at about 4 weeks." She answered.

"Thank you for everything ma'am." I thanks the doctor and went out the door from the clinic. Taking a deep breath I trudged forward. Now begins a new chapter in my life.

Brent's POV

I've been worried about Rose. She's been feeling pretty sick lately. She had an appointment at the doctor earlier to find out what's wrong. At the moment the guys and I are having a meeting to go over the blueprints for the house that we're having built as a graduation present for our mate.

"I'm back!" Rose belts out.

"Shit hide it!" Damien scrambles to move all the papers off Colten's desk.

"Boys where are you? Family meeting!" She giggles. Well that's got to be good news, if she was really sick then she wouldn't be giggling.

"Up here in the office!" Max shouts back.

My gorgeous mate sashays in the room and presents us with five envelopes. "Open these." She tells us.

We all kind of look at each other in confusion. I rip open my envelope and am left speechless. There's an ultrasound with an image of a tiny peanut. A baby. She's pregnant. The room is overwhelmed with shouts and cheers. Rose bursts into tears and I go to her and squeeze her. "What's the matter baby? Aren't you excited?"

"Yes I am. I was worried that ya'll wouldn't feel the same way." She admitted.

"Never worry about that. This baby will be the most taken care of child ever. After all there's five daddies." I told her.

She laughed and wiped away her tears. "You're right. I should've known that my mates are perfect."

My heart squeezed in my chest. No Rose, you're perfect. We all take turns picking her up, spinning her around, hugging and kissing her. There's nothing that can ruin this moment. I guess the guys and I will have to go over the blueprints and make sure it's baby proof. A baby. I never saw myself as the fatherly type but now I can't wait. We'll have to have her examined by a pack doctor. With this child we have no idea if they'll be wolf, vampire, witch, incubus, or a combination. Her pregnancy can last anywhere from 6 months to 9 months depending on the genetic makeup of the child.

"Is that why you were sick?" Max asked.

"Yes, it was just morning sickness. I have no idea what I'm supposed to eat, I have never read about supernatural pregnancies before." She said.

"We can consult with a witch, maybe she can give us some insight. How are your magic lessons going with Dalton's great aunt Patricia? Maybe you can consult her about the pregnancy as well." I suggested.

"Great FUCKITY FUCK!" A piercing scream rang through the room. Sophie came running and attacked Rose. "I'm going to be an aunt!" She screamed and jumped.

"How did you find out?" Rose asked. Sophie pouted, "my brother couldn't wait to show off and texted me. Congratulations girl! I'm beyond excited! We need to go shopping as soon as possible!" The girls then walked out of the office and downstairs, chattering about shopping plans, names and whatever else girls talk about when it comes to babies. Us men stayed behind like leftover chopped liver.

Colten's POV

I never saw myself being a father so soon. Saying that I'm excited is a huge understatement. Rose asked us to meet with her and her parents to deliver the news. I am a bit worried about her father kicking our asses.

"Stop fidgeting bro, this tie won't tie itself." Sophie muttered while she helped me get dressed up for the meeting. "There. You look like a respectable member of society now." She beamed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Stop worrying, her parents already love you and graduation is already approaching fast so you'll be able to see Rose in public with no worries." She reassured me.

Soon after the pep talk I reach her parents house and knock on the front door.

"Ah Colten, the other guys are already here, come in!" Rose's mom ushered me into the living room. I sit in an empty chair over by Joel.

"Ok now that everyone's here I have an important announcement!" Rose beamed. To an outsider she seems only excited but based on her tense shoulders and the way she's twisting her hands together, I can tell she's nervous. She looked towards me and I give her a reassuring smile.

"Mom, dad, I'm pregnant. We are having a baby." Water works fill the room between Rose and her mother. The girls chat away talking about names and how far along she is. Rose's father is glaring at all of us. It doesn't matter to him that he's outnumbered, we deflowered and impregnated his daughter. "Come on guys, I don't think I've shown you my den before." He said. Fuck. "Follow me down." We all file in line awaiting our deaths. We reach the basement and he goes and locks the door behind us. Double fuck.

"So you boys think you're ready to be parents? I call bullshit. Nobody is ever ready to be a parent. I'm glad that Rose is happy but don't think for a second that if you hurt her or my grandchild then I will hunt all of you down and there's no place on this earth where you can hide from a pissed off father. So take care of my daughter and you'll have nothing to worry about." He glares at all of us and then goes to open up a small wooden box. "Now then, let's all share a cigar and toast to this news!" I finally let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. He hands us all cigars and shot glasses of whiskey. We all clink our glasses together and take a shot before he refills them. With the look on his face, I don't think we're leaving the basement anytime soon.

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