Lunch Antics

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Maximus's POV

Rose turned around and looked at me with concern in her eyes. What could this color change mean? Was it even something to worry about?

"I'm sure it's nothing serious, baby. Let's consult a witch about it when we get back in town tomorrow and just relax for the rest of the evening. She nodded and walked with me back to the bed where we cuddled and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke her up a little earlier so I could take her to her house to change before school started. I dropped her off and let out a sigh. Maybe I should call into work today to get this figured out sooner. I went online to submit a time off request and took off for Joel's house so I could get ahold of the witch that's been training Rose.

"What's up?" He came to the door after I rang the doorbell.

"Hey man, wanted to see if you could get ahold of your delta's great aunt, what was her name? I have to ask her something." I inquired.

"Patricia. Yeah I'll shoot her a message to come over here if you want. What's going on? Is Rose ok?" He quickly asked.

"Well I marked her last night but the mark I left is a different color than before. I wanted to see if it's something serious." I told him, while scratching the back of my neck. I just can't help but be worried. I don't even know any other incubus who has had a mate or even marked anyone so I don't know if this is normal.

We both plopped down on his sofa and waited for Patricia to arrive. After about an hour the doorbell rang.

"Good morning gentlemen." She greeted before giving Joel a quick bow in respect. He guided her over to the couches and sat her across from us.

"Patricia. I'm just going to get right down to business. I marked Rose last night and she got a green star. Last time I marked her it was a pink one. I can't help but be concerned that it's different this time when all her other markings are the same as before." I explained. She chuckled a little and placed her hands on her knees.

"Is that all? Oh dear that's nothing to worry about." She continued on, "see there's very few cases of incubus having mates but there's a special power to their marks that aren't normal. For example, when their mate becomes pregnant, the mark will change colors. Was she pregnant before when she was first marked?" She asked us. Actually no, she didn't get pregnant until after she flatlined and at that point she had her marks taken away. A sigh of relief escaped both Joel and me.

"No she wasn't. Thank you so much Patricia, I'm sure she'll be relieved to hear this. Normally I'd talk to her in person but she's at school so I'll send her a quick text so she doesn't have to stress out the rest of the day." I told her.

"By the way, I know she's pausing her training until after she gives birth so I don't really see her right now but I'd love to know how the babies are doing."

Joel chimed in, "they're twins! And as far as we know everything is progressing great."

"Excellent! They're going to be wonderful little tribrids I'm sure." She pointed out. "What's a tribrid?" I asked.

"Well they're part vampire, part witch and part wolf so they're comprised of three different components versus two like a hybrid." Well shit. I didn't think about that, this witch is making me feel kinda dumb, "They're going to be some of the toughest little creatures that we've ever seen. Rose is already really special with being a vampire/witch. They're not very common." She finished up.

Joel and I looked at each other, these kids are probably going to be a handful.

"Thank you so much for stopping by Patricia, we really appreciate it." Joel dismissed her and walked her to the front door.

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