Seeing Stars

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Rose's POV

"Baby wake up," I heard a deep voice worriedly say.

"Ungh," I felt myself grunt.

"She's coming back around," someone else chuckled.

I felt like I'd been run over by a train. Slowly I managed to peek open one of my eyes. I saw two pairs of blue orbs staring down at me.

"That was one intense orgasm," Brent chuckled down at me. I glared at him while the memories of what we did came back. I was run over by a train, them.

"How do you feel baby?" Damien questioned.

"" I croaked out. He nodded and ran to the mini fridge to pull out a small bottle. He flipped the lid and brought it to my lips to sip on. When I finally felt sated I cleared my throat.

"So that was intense." Was all I could really say. For the first time since I woke I remembered our marks. I looked to see the red full moons on my men and I hurried to the bathroom so I could see their wolves howling on my mark, along with Joel's. I'm starting to feel more and more complete. Now I only need Max to mark me and I'll finally feel whole.

"Well let's get some rest baby, you'll need it for later tonight," Brent winked at me. And boy did I need it. It felt like every couple hours I was being groped and prodded by one or both of my men. I can't even count how many times we did it until finally in the morning I had to put a pussy ban on my men. "Let me get some sleep!" I huffed out grumpily before turning over in the bed and covering myself with the large fluffy comforter. They finally got the hint and let me sleep until we had to shower before check out time. After another round in the shower with my men, who are very insatiable, we finally all toweled off and headed back home.

Later that evening I was chatting with Sophie in her room over our anti-prom plans.

"I talked to Seb and he said we could have it at his castle!" She squealed while grabbing my shoulders and shaking me fiercely. I grinned back at her while she continued, "we will be holding it this Saturday night and he said he'll invite some people he knows so it's not just us hanging out there. We're welcome to invite anyone we want but honestly I don't like any of the other bitches at the school."

"I feel you." I nodded.

"I see you've been busy," she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I started to choke on my spit.

"Damn girl it's not like I don't know you're having sex! Hybrid hearing remember?" She reminded me.

I just nodded reluctantly. I know it's one thing to have carefree sex, it's another to hear others mention it.

"Besides you're pregnant. That didn't happen on it's own." She pointed a finger at my belly. Well damn that's true. I'm not stupid, just embarrassed being called out.

"Don't worry about it girl. Now let's go downstairs and see what those boys are up to. They've been mighty secretive lately. We should crash their secret boy meeting." She mischievously grinned. After agreeing we tiptoed out of her room and towards the staircase. Just when we were about to listen in all the speaking stopped. Well fuck.

"Come out girls!" I hear Colten yell up at us. Caught red handed!

"Hey love!" I come out and give him a little hand wave and a smile. He raised a brow at me unconvinced of my innocence.

"You weren't eavesdropping were you?" He accused.

"Oh! Never!" I yelled out so squeaky I cringed. I looked apologetically at Sophie who just shook her head.

"Well why are you keeping secrets from your mate." I accused back. He seemed taken aback for a moment before answering, "it's a surprise. So no more sneaking around." He strode to my side and pulled me flush against him and stole a kiss.

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