The Frat House

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Rose's POV

The atmosphere after Max and I disappeared is awkward now, to say the least. Sophie kept glancing at me with anticipation of gossip, Max is grinning like a fool, and then Paul seems just a little clueless. FINALLY! I know that a public restroom wouldn't have been my first choice but my desire outweighed everything else. We all say our goodbyes in front of the theatre and Sophie hitches a ride back with us.

"So how was Paul?" I asked her.

She couldn't wait to gush over him, "he's soooo romantic, did you know he writes romance novels? He's just fantastic, I can really feel the chemistry between us. Besides I may never find my mate so Paul is definitely good boyfriend material." I thought over what she said. It's hard to believe how lucky I was to find multiple mates. The gods have something planned, I can just feel it.

Brent's POV

I'm laying in bed thinking over Rose. I know she went on a double date with Max and some dude Sophie met.

*ring, ring, ring*

I hear my phone go off and it's Joel.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I have a witch that can train Rose." I sit up. This is fantastic news. I know she's been worried that she may accidentally set something on fire or some witchy-bullshit.

"When do we meet up with her?" I asked.

"Actually she's related to one of the pack members. I promised him the position of delta if he got her to agree to help. We are going to meet her at her house. She said we can go tomorrow afternoon."

"Sounds good. Text me when and where and I'll make sure Rose gets there." I tell him.

Unknown's POV

"Why is Rose still alive?" The annoying women screeched.

"I told you 60 days. Don't worry my trap is set. They won't know what hit them."

After my assurances the woman smiled. "We all done here? Good. Now get out of my face." I sent her on her way.

Mason's POV

There's change in the air. Wilma said that the stage is set and the chess pieces are in place. Whatever cryptic witchy crap that is. All I care about is that she created the potion I need to remove her mates' marks.

"Thanks old hag. I appreciate what you've done for the kingdom." I told her.

"Oh stop flattering me. We both know it's for your own selfish gain. You can have any other woman you want and you have to go after the most unavailable woman."

"Whatever woman. Thanks for what you did." I sent her off and stalked upstairs. Rose, you have no idea what's coming for you. I will infiltrate your life and you will willingly take this potion. I decided to take a hot shower and jack off. Damn I need to feel her sweet heat. I'm so stupidly horny and the only woman that can truly satisfy me isn't here.

Damien's POV

The weekend arrived and we all decided to go to a party at a college nearby that Paul apparently graduated from. We were going to take multiple vehicles. Rose, Brent and I in his car, Sophie, Colten, Paul and Max in Colten's truck.

"It's so nice to do something to forget about everything lately." Rose squealed. She's stupid adorable when she's excited.

We all arrived around the same time and headed inside the frat house. It seemed to be three stories high with balconies and statues adorning the outside. When we went inside it was packed with sweaty people dancing, drinking and smoking pot.

"Stay close to me," I beckoned Rose. She seemed to wave me off and tried to go to the kitchen to get herself something to drink. I grabbed her by the elbow. "Only drink sealed drinks, don't drink anything that someone hands you."

She nodded an affirmation and squeezed through the crowd. When she came back we danced until we were tired and spent.

"Oh Damien this party was exactly what I needed!" She cooed at me. She was a bit tipsy from all the drinking and her lush lips were staring at me invitingly. I leaned down to kiss her and dragged her closer to my body. Hip to hip, chest to chest. After a minute she pulled away. "I need to find the bathroom," she muttered.

I let her go so she could go find it.

"Hey where's Rose?" Brent asked me.

"She had to go to the bathroom. She should be back in a few minutes."

Brent stood there waiting with me but after about ten minutes I started to get worried. We headed off in the direction that she went to try and find her.

All of a sudden, the lights went off and I heard a scream. My mark burned harshly on my shoulder. We took off running until we saw her.

"Rose! No!" I couldn't believe my eyes. The sight made me fall to my knees.

There she was laying on the ground, unmoving and unconscious.

"What happened here?" I heard Colten yell beside me.

People kind of looked around at each other, I heard a voice say that she fell backwards down the stairs. There's no way this is an accident. Blood started to pool around her head where she lay on the ground.

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled. I rushed to her and felt for her pulse. It's pretty weak. Why isn't she healing like a vampire should? This isn't right at all.

Joel comes running up next and also falls to his knees followed by Maximus. They must've also felt the burn in our marks. Wait. Her shoulder looks bare. What the fuck happened here?

Rose's POV (ten minutes before)

After dancing my butt off I tell Damien that I'm going to the bathroom. All the drinking has gone straight to my bladder. I head up the stairs and wait in the line.

"Hi!" Some random guy tells me.

"Um hi," I mutter back.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Rose, who are you?"

"I'm James. It's very nice to meet you. Are you here alone?"

"No, I'm here with my boyfriends."

"Ah I see, well no harm. Oh do you want a piece of gum? I know that these parties can be filled with drinking and no one likes alcohol on their breath." He said. He seemed alright and I'm not drinking anything right? I go ahead and take a piece and then popped it in my mouth and started to chew. Out of nowhere my marks started to burn. The lights then shut off and I feel myself flying backwards. Normally I can right my body but I'm feeling so weak because of the burning in my marks that I can't help but continue on my downfall. Next thing I know I hear a scream and it takes me just a few seconds to realize it's coming from my mouth. Finally everything goes dark.

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