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Colten's POV

My wolf was raging. My beautiful Rose has some unknown person claiming her. "I'm going for a run!" I shouted to Sophie. Without waiting for a response I threw myself out the front door and stripped right there and transformed into my wolf form. Freedom and skies. That's what being a wolf feels like. I don't know if it feels different for others because I'm a hybrid, but the blood lust is much easier to control in this form. No one but Sophie understands what it's like to be a wolf and a vampire. When I'm in human form I constantly crave blood. The only thing I've found to curb cravings is doll's eye, a creepy looking berry that's normally poisonous for humans but not vampires. Even then the blood lust is never completely gone.

While I'm running through the forest I pass small critters such as rabbits, snakes and a few deer. The need to hunt overtakes me and I decide to stalk a deer. I have no need to hide behind brush because of my speed. I leap over a fallen log and lunge straight for the neck and snap it with a sharp twist of my neck, I feel it's unnecessary to make the animal suffer further. I sent a quick prayer of thanks up to the gods and feast on my kill. My animalistic instincts as well as my thirst for blood are at the moment sated. Blood drips down my mouth onto the ground below. With a full belly I stalk back home and wait until I'm back at the front porch to transform back into a human.

"Oh my god you're so gross and messy! Go take a shower you stinky boy!" Sophie yells at me. I shoot a bloody grin at my sister and pad towards the bathroom to shower. I turn the water to scalding hot and walk into the water, feeling the drops slide down my pecs and abs. "Oh Rose." I whisper her name and grasp onto my erect cock. Pretty soon I'll need her. I tamp down on the want to feel her cum on my dick while I suck on her sweet neck. With a force stronger than needed, I start pumping my dick, thinking about sliding through her slick heat. With a roar I cum all over the shower tile. I'm almost embarrassed at how quickly I came. Hopefully soon I can make the wet dream a reality.

After my eventful shower I throw myself onto my bed and shoot Rose a text.

Me: hey beautiful how are you feeling

I wait a few minutes almost giving up on receiving a reply when my phone goes off

Rose: i'm ok, a little scared

Me: you're safe with us sweetheart, if you need me you can call me anytime, anywhere and I'll come

Rose: thank you Colten, I'll see you tomorrow at school

Me: goodnight baby

Rose: goodnight xx

Rose's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling a bit more optimistic than the night before.

"Honey! Someone named Joel is at the front door for you!" I wrap myself with my robe and pad down the stairs.

"Joel, why are you here? Wait. That came out wrong. What are you doing here on a school morning? I have to get ready." I asked.

"I know, I'm here to give you a ride. We all thought that it wouldn't be the safest for you to walk to school so we will take turns taking you. Being the alpha I get first dibs haha." He chuckled.

"Ok well please sit down and I'll get ready. Be back in a jif!" I sprinted back up the stairs and quickly got dressed in a white dress with a sweetheart neckline and a hem that reaches mid thighs. I completed the outfit with a pair of white flats. I skipped down the stairs to see Joel chatting with my dad about some football game.

"Ok I'm ready!" I chirped.

"Nice to meet you Joel, stop by anytime," my dad told him.

"Wow, what did you do to get my dad to like you already?" I asked.

Joel laughed, "we just talked sports. It's the universal man language." Blegh sports. How very...manly of them. I giggled to myself.

Joel held my hand and helped me climb into his car. "Joel what kind of car is this?" He looked incredulously at me. After a minute of silence I repeated my question.

"Oh damn you're serious. Babe this is a Lamborghini Aventador." He looked at me expectantly but all I could figure was it was probably very expensive.

"Oh cooool, it is very shiny for sure, nice and sleek." I said.

He just shook his head and whipped into the parking lot of the school. I did notice many heads turn to eye his car. I go to hop out and he grabbed me by the elbow. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He pushed his cheek out expectantly. I popped a quick peck on his cheek and ran out giggling. I ran into a brick wall that turned out to be Damien.

"Good morning gorgeous, how was your night?" He asked.

"It was alright considering all that occurred."I told him. He grasped my hand and walked me to my first class.

The school day passed quickly without incident. I waited out front for Damien. I was just daydreaming when i felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise. With the feeling of being watched I looked around the parking lot but couldn't figure out where the sensation originated.


I yipped at Damien who approached me from the back.

"Are you ok??" He asked, "you jumped when I just said hi."

"Damien I felt like someone was watching me." He looked around but declared the coast clear. "Let me take you home Rose, maybe some extra rest will help you."

He led me to his truck and helped me climb in. With one last look around the parking lot I shook my head and sat down.

We arrived at my house pretty quickly and with a gentlemanly hand Damien assisted me out of the truck.

"Get some sleep Rose." Damien pressed a long passionate kiss against my lips. Right when my legs turned to jelly I sighed into his mouth and he let out a short chuckle. He swatted my butt and sent me on my way into the house.

Taking his advice I took a long shower and got ready for a super early bedtime. I fell asleep almost immediately.


I woke with a start.

"Who's there?" I called into the darkness. My room is shrouded in the cover of night which made it very difficult to see past a few inches. Even the moon seemed to be hidden behind the clouds.

"Rose. I'm here for you. Time to go to your new home."

Before I could let out a scream the stranger's hand was covering my mouth and a cloth was placed over my nose. Then, darkness.

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