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Rose's POV

I awoke with a start, breathing heavily. I looked around to find myself in the guest room of Asmodeus's home. I patted myself down. Did that really happen?

"No, but nice dream, dear." I heard Asmodeus say right in my ear.

"Son of a bitch, don't scare me like that!" I cried out.

"We can make that dream a reality, if you like." He whispered seductively in my ear.

"No, thanks. My guys just barely left. My coochie is off limits to you, sir." I pushed him and he dramatically fell off the bed.

"Oh you wound me, Rose." He sighed.

"When did I fall asleep?" I asked.

He laughed, "you fell asleep during your massage. I brought you in here so you could rest. It's only been a couple hours."

I sat up from the bed and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

"You know I can just snap up whatever you want." He drawled as he followed me.

"Must you follow me everywhere?" I snapped at him, whirling on my feet and poking his chest with my finger.

"I'm bored. Living forever is hard work, you know? All I have to entertain me is endless pussy." He sighed again.

"I'm sure that's really tough." I answered him. He hummed his response.

I dug though the fridge and pulled out some ingredients to make a sandwich. After I made my meal, I put everything away and began to eat.

Finally, Asmodeus walked away, leaving me and my sandwich in peace.

This is going to be rough. Maybe I should've listened to Sophie and gone with her instead.

Colten's POV

Here we are standing in front of the legendary Stonehenge.

"So what do we do now?" Damien asked.

"Well Asmodeus was supposed to snap Patricia with us but she was concerned she'd get stuck here so we are waiting on her flight. For now, I figured we could just look around, like tourists or something." Brent answered.

We decided to walk around these boring rocks for awhile. I was eager to get started on our mission but I didn't have much choice in the matter.

After awhile I see Patricia walking up. Finally.

"Hey Patty!" Joel yelled out to her.

"Hey guys, I'm finally here!" She said.

"Thank goodness, I'm tired of staring at these overgrown rocks." Brent said.

He pulled out the scroll that Lucifer gave him and Patricia looked over it.

"Before we begin I'm going to cast a spell that will make everything look normal to anyone passing by. We don't need any silly rumors about witches and spells." She laughed then turned back to read the scroll.

"Tsk." She said after a minute.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need fresh virgin blood. Are any of you a virgin?" She asked.

I laughed, "no way, we've all been in Rose's sweet pussy, well all of us except for Garrett. You're not a virgin though right?"

He remained suspiciously quiet.

"Right?" Brent reiterated.

"I actually am." He whispered and I swear he even blushed some.

"Perfect! Then we have all I need. Now make a circle and hold hands. Mr. Virgin, you stand in the middle." She pointed.

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