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Authors Note:

If you've read this far, I just wanted to extend a HUGE THANK YOU! I'm enjoying writing this book and I'm so thankful for those who are supportive of my work. Every like and every comment puts a huge smile on my face. I'm humbled that there are those who like my story enough to read it. I've been working on making longer chapters and I hope that it's noticeable. If you're confused, feel free to leave a comment and I'll answer any questions. Also, if anything seems like a loose end, keep in mind there's still more to write. In my head, the loose ends are tied up. Just trust in the process and eventually they'll all be tied up. I promise this story will have a happy ending, even when the characters are making bad choices. They are after all growing and learning. We all make mistakes, even the characters in my book. I feel like it adds to their growth. Again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

Joel's POV

We just disembarked in California. We rented a couple cars and are going to start looking in Hollywood. Supposedly this is where Lucifer lives.

"So who are we supposed to ask?" Garrett asked. I frankly have no clue. I was thinking we should start at some nightclubs. The hardest part though isn't finding him, it's trying to figure out what we can offer Lucifer that would make him want to help us.

Garrett, Sebastian and I were in this car while Damien, Brent and Colten were in the other. I figured that we needed to separate Garrett and Brent before they got into a fight. I am concerned about Max but my priority is Rose. He's a grown ass man who can take care of himself. I'll worry about him after Rose is safe.

"We're going to hit up some nightclubs and ask around. Chances are he's at a nightclub, the trick is finding out which one. He apparently likes to personally make deals with aspiring actors or singers. He promises them fame in exchange for their soul." I tell him.

"Oh, so like Beyoncé?" He asked.

"Exactly." I tell him.

"When I see Sophie, I'm going to tell her I love her." Sebastian said from the backseat. He's kicking himself in the ass for not admitting his feelings to her beforehand.

"What will you do if she finds a mate one day? Or you find yours?" Garrett asked.

"I'll kill anyone who claims to be her mate," he growled. "And I don't have one, I did, but she was human and she passed away a few centuries ago. Her name was Lucy Fullington." He sighed before he continued, "times were different then. I only came across her by accident, we brushed by each other in a market. I smelled something amazing and followed the scent until I was in front of her. When I noticed she was human I tried to flee but she reached out for me, brushing my arm. I felt the tingles immediately, confirming what I thought. I ran off like a coward and only watched her from afar afterwards. That's when I learned she was the daughter of George Fullington, the leader of the church and a famous vampire slayer. We may have been mates but the gods were cruel when choosing her for me. We never had a future together."

When he finished I was in shock. This is the first time I've heard him mention he'd already had a mate. The car was silent after his soliloquy. Garrett seemed awkward, Sebastian was pensive and I remained in shock.

Soon after we reached a hotel and rented another penthouse suite to house all of us.

The other guys soon arrived and we all got together in the room to go over which nightclubs to hit up.

"We can't fail. We need to find a solution tonight. The longer she's with the bastard, the more I feel like we're losing her." Colten said. I nodded in agreement.

"Tonight, we're all going to different nightclubs. One of us has to get lucky." I said.

Rose's POV

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