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Garrett's POV


We all materialized in the middle of a flashy club. I looked around until my sight settled on Rose. She was so gorgeous and sexy in her skin tight dress that I found myself adjusting my crotch.

"That's a hot piece of ass, right?" Asmodeus annoyingly nudged me while looking pointedly at Rose. I grunted and made my way to her.

I placed my hand on the small of her back and worked on guiding her through the crowd until we reached the bar. The other guys and I were talking downstairs while she got ready and decided that they would split up to look for Lucifer and I would keep guard on Rose. Asmodeus is just being Asmodeus, I guess.

"You want something to drink, baby?" I asked her.

"Sure, I'll take a royal fuck." I raised a brow at her choice. Never heard of it but whatever. I ordered our drinks from the bartender, a short brunette with shorts that showed her ass cheeks and her tits hanging out the top of her spaghetti strap shirt.

"You got it sexy," she winked at me. I ignored her, just thankful she didn't ask for our IDs.

"What if we get caught, Garrett?" Rose whispered worriedly. I chuckled and looked down at her. "Live a little baby girl. I'll protect you." I whispered back. I saw her face blush a pretty rosy color. While waiting on the drinks, I kept looking at Rose's face while she looked around the club. Her bright green eyes are my most favorite color in the world. I miss the days when she looked at me like I was her everything.

I was so upset that she was leaving that I wouldn't even talk to her about it when she tried to. Next thing I knew, she was gone. I would never admit it to Rose, but I'm still a virgin. I was saving myself for her. I was disappointed when we met up again and she was not just pregnant, but mated to five guys. More than that, I was disappointed I wasn't one of the five. I wouldn't mind sharing her as long as I got to have her. She's worth it.

"Are you ok?" She looked up at me worriedly. I grinned down at her, "I'm fine sweetheart." Right then we were served our drinks. I watched her drink while scrunching her nose.

"Is it ok?" I asked while laughing. "It's strong but good. Can you get me another?" She asked. Of course I said yes. We ended up ordering another 2 before I decided that she had enough.

"Ok sweetheart, let's go dance." I grabbed her hand and led her out to the throngs of sweaty people grinding on each other.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her flush against me, feeling her soft body against mine. I had to keep from groaning out loud at the feel of her warmth. I kept myself from grabbing her by the ass and slamming my lips against hers. I may be a vampire but getting beat up is no fun.

I've been playing around with an idea to present to Rose but I'm not sure she'll go for it. This was actually why I went over to her house originally, before finding her passed out and her babies missing. I was planning on asking her to take me as a chosen mate. I can't imagine being with anyone besides her. If she says no, I'll move away and leave her alone. I really hope she'll say yes, though.

She sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. "I love you," I whisper too quietly for her to hear. I squeeze her tighter, wishing I could kiss her.

"Garrett, I'm thirsty." She looked up at me.

"You want to go hunting? I'm not sure that's a good idea. If this is Lucifer's club he may take offense by it."

"Well can I drink from you?" She asked. I nodded, then grabbed her hand and led her to an empty corner.

I cupped her face and looked into her doe eyes. I closed my eyes and bared my neck to her. I felt her bite into me and begin sucking. Her tongue licked on my neck while she sucked, making me moan. I felt her run her hands up my shirt and she started rubbing on my abs. When she grabbed onto the top of my pants I just about nutted in them. I gently removed her hands and placed them on my arms before I decided to drink from her, also. I bit down onto her neck and began sucking her blood. I licked her neck, the same way she did to mine. The sensations and taste overwhelmed me and I couldn't stand it. I grabbed her ass and pulled her flush to my erection. I let go of her neck and pressed my lips to hers. I then cupped her face and thrust my tongue into her mouth. She moaned and wiggled in my grasp until I felt myself being torn away from her. Aw shit, not again.

"I thought I'd save you an ass beating." Asmodeus said, looking at Rose with dilated pupils. I could see him sporting a semi, he was probably watching the whole thing and only jumped in to be an asshole.

"Besides, we found Lucifer. He's sitting in VIP right now with Brent. Apparently he'll only talk to him since he's the one he previously dealt with." He nodded towards the VIP section.

"What are they talking about?" Rose asked him.

"I'm not sure, but that's not why I interrupted, I wanted to have a dance with Rose." He cheekily said. I scoffed. Of course.

"She was already dancing with me," I tell him.

"I think she's a grown woman who can make her own decisions," he retorted.

Rose smiled at that comment, son of a bitch. "Just one small dance," she then smiled at me and took his hand before disappearing on the dance floor. I stayed standing against the wall, watching the VIP section, wondering what Brent and Lucifer were talking about. After a few minutes I went on the hunt for Rose. After pushing through a bunch of people, I find her and Asmodeus dancing. His hands were splayed dangerously close to her ass while her breasts were pushed up against his chest. I decided to return the favor to Asmodeus and interrupted them. I reached between them and pulled Rose back against my body, making her giggle.

"Miss me?" I murmured in her ear. I heard her sigh contentedly, "you know I did." I smile down at her and lean down to give her another kiss but she's intercepted by one of her mates. Great, it's that asshole, Joel.

"Rose, stop fucking around." He snapped at her. I could see tears welling in her eyes at his comment.

"Hey man, stop being so harsh on her." I tell him. I could see his inner alpha fighting it's way to the top.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." He growled out.

"Look bro, just calm down." I tell him.

"Don't tell me to calm down." He growled some more. I grabbed his arm and before he realized what was happening, I pulled him through the crowd and out into an alleyway.

"What's your problem?" He yelled.

"My problem is you being an asshole to your mate! Don't act like you're so perfect! Just now you were getting ready to shift in a club full of people! So stay out here and calm the fuck down before I calm your ass down with my fists." I walked away from him, slamming the door behind me.

I have to push through the crowd again to find Rose, this time she's dancing away with Max. They were laughing and having fun. I couldn't help but smile. As long as she's happy, I can be happy. I should've left for Texas when we originally found her but I couldn't bear to be apart from her. I know that'll have to come to an end soon. She'll either take me as a chosen mate or reject me. I'm just scared to find out which it is.

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