The Godfather

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Rose's POV

"Again." The devil said. Ughhh I've been working with Patricia about pushing fire out my palms but all I can manage is to make my hands hot.

"You're not concentrating Rose. How are you supposed to do your duty to mankind if you can't manage to push out fire?" She complained. I started getting pissed off and I could feel my stomach tighten.

"Agh!" I screamed and then flames burst out of my hands, nearly incinerating the carpet.

"Good! Now harness that anger and frustration." She prompted while circling me. I tried my best to focus on that anger and felt the flames get even more intense.

"Calm down Rose, you don't want to get too angry or you'll be overwhelmed."

I tried breathing in and out through my nose to calm down but all I managed was to make the flames go away completely.

"Practice at home more, or find someplace to practice where you won't accidentally burn things down. You have a natural gift, that's most likely why your talents were sealed as a baby. But we need to learn to find balance so that you don't overwhelm your body and get out of control. It's very easy when in battle to become thirsty for blood and allow that anger to take over. It takes a great deal of strength and practice to find your balance. I know you're frustrated but you've come a long way. We've already mastered water, now we need to focus on fire. Afterwards then we can move on to potions. Ok sweetie?"

I nodded my agreement and picked up my purse and keys to leave.

"Oh Rose?"

"Yes Pat?"

"Congratulations on your babies." She said. I smiled and left out the front door, closing it gently behind me.

The drive home was peaceful while I took a scenic route. I've been blessed that my mates gifted me a small Subaru. It was cherry red in color and I loved it. Not being dependent on others for rides has given me a new freedom that I didn't realize I was missing. By the time I pulled into my parent's driveway I was exhausted. It's been awhile since I've spent the night here and I've been missing them. I jumped out and bolted towards the front door, unlocking it impatiently. "Mama, daddy I'm here!" I shouted out.

"In the kitchen!" mom sang out. I skipped my way over and was shocked at the sight before me. Sitting at the kitchen table was mom, dad and Mason.

"Mason what are you doing here??!!" I gasped.

He stood up and came towards me, grabbing both my hands and kissing my knuckles.

"I came to make amends with your family. I know I put you and them through hell and I wanted to tell them how truly sorry I am. I'm inviting everyone, your mates included, to a festival over in Havana. Every year in May we celebrate Red Day. It's a day that everyone dressed up as supernatural creatures. The older townsfolk and the otherworldly creatures understand that it's a day to say thanks for protection, the younger generation just looks at it as similar to Halloween. It's just a festival to dress up, eat and dance. Every year the vampire king would make an appearance, pretending to be a fake vampire, and this year is my first year to attend as a normal person, my brother will be taking over as duties as vampire king. I know this is sudden news so talk it over with your mates and see if you would consider attending." He said.

"Mason, I have some news to tell you."

"What is it Rose?" He looked worriedly at me.

"I'm pregnant." I grinned at him. The look on his face was a mixture of shock, happiness but mostly regret.

"Congratulations!" He said with extra enthusiasm. I could tell he was unhappy but trying to hide it.

"Thank you. I'd like you to be the god father. If it wasn't for you then I wouldn't even be alive right now." I said.

If I thought he was shocked before than now he was outright speechless. "Are you sure?" He asked. I can't offer a baby the protection a supernatural could. I'm just human now."

"I'm certain. Will you do it?" I asked.

"I'd be honored." He agreed with genuine happiness. "Well it's getting late and I've got to head home. I've been teaching little bro all the things that a vampire king needs to learn and it's quite a bit." He chuckled.

I gave him a big bear hug. "Thank you Mason." I gave him a peck on the cheek and walked him out. I know that right now things are a bit difficult for him, because we were betrothed. But I hope that he finds his true happiness in someone else, but more importantly in himself. I watched his car drive off. How did I miss it in the driveway? I guess I was busy thinking over everything that I've been learning with my magic that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. That's pretty dangerous. I need to take better care especially now that I'm carrying a child. Now that I think about it...Pat said congratulations on the babies. in plural? Does she know something that I don't? Or is she messing with me? I really need to make another appointment to find out. When I first went my baby was so small that it looked like a little peanut, is it possible there's two of them in there?

I talked with my parents for a bit before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. It took me almost an hour to call all my guys and talk to them before laying down. I snuggled into my comforter and closed my eyes to rest.

Mason's POV

Pregnant. I know that Rose didn't choose me but it still feels more final knowing that she's pregnant. And she wants me to be the god father? I paced back and forth in my room, mulling over this new development. Unable to rest, I decided to go hit up a bar in town. I strolled in and headed straight to the bar. "Scotch neat." I ordered.

"Rough day?" She asked.

"Yup you have no idea." She gave me a look of sympathy and proceeded to make my order. I look around the bar to see if there are any prospects to go home with. What is it they say? The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else? My eyes stop on a pair of green eyes. A petite brunette with green eyes is staring right at me, looking like she's burrowing straight into my very soul. I'm frozen, staring at this woman that I don't realize she's moving closer until she's upon me.

"Hi I'm Kat." She tells me. Kat, I roll the name around on my tongue, liking how it feels.

"Hi Kat, I'm Mason." I answer back, still unable to say more.

"This is going to sound crazy but I need to be honest." She starts off. Ok honest about what? Is there something on my face? I'm wondering as she continues, "you're my mate."

I stare at this woman in shock. Did she just say I'm her mate?

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