Life or death situation

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You threw your body in the bed.


Shut. Whatever, I don't need him. I've plenty of fish in my sea. He is not that good looking though. Okay who am I kidding? He was the most handsome man my eyes ever laid on.

Ugh, those faces I wanna sit on.

I will get you. I don't care how.

That mouth will beg me to have you over and over again.


You closed your eyes. You could hear your phone ringing in the other room. It must be Mr. Lee.

"I'm not dead! But I know you wish I were!" You shouted. Stupid. They can't hear me. It kept ringing until you drifted to sleep.


"I don't have a face to meet my friends anymore. LOOK AT HER! LOOK AT HER BEHAVIOR TONIGHT." Hoseok helped your mom lay on her bed, "Do something, honey! She has been out of control !"

"Rest a bit, Mom. Don't stress yourself."

"How could I not stress if your sister acts like that! Oh, son, I'm glad you are here. You are the only one who understands me."

Your dad cleared his throat, "Hoseok, call Y/n, ask if she is okay."

"Yes, dad." Hoseok left the room.

Even Kim's Family said it was alright, she is still so young. You were really humiliating your family. Seokjin still acted sweet and told your parents it was totally okay. He found you cute and interesting.

"He is a sweetheart. Do you think he wants to try another date? Good things sell out fast. I want a son in law just like him. He is very caring to his mother."

"You should stop setting her up."

"If I didn't set her up with someone. Do you think anyone wants to marry your daughter?"

"She is bright and beautiful. You shouldn't worry about her future. I'll give her all she needs her whole life. She doesn't need any man to support her." It's nothing but the truth. Besides, he is sure one day you'll meet someone who loves you and can see the kindness you have inside, If there's any.

"You are always taking her side! Keep spoiling her! I want to see someday she will do something you can't cover anymore!"


Your parents always got into fights every time you went home. This and that. That's why things are better when you are away. You always bring back trouble. And your dad protected you each time. You did realize you shouldn't act like that. You were old enough to know which one is right and wrong. You were raised with everything under your feet. You could have anything. You didn't have to work for it.


You woke up to the sound of a loud bang from your front door. Your room was dark. You rubbed your eyes. Looking around the room. Who the hell is that?

You put on your night robe as you walked to the door. It's a better life or death situation.

"What?" You opened the door. It's your dear brother and you can tell he is not happy.

"Pack your stuff." Hoseok barged in.

... it is a life or death situation ...

"Your car keys in the lobby." You said.

"You were ordered to go back to the main house." Hoseok sat on your couch.

"No." You answered, crossing your arms.

"Dad told me to do whatever it takes to bring you back."

"Yeah, I don't care." You poured some milk into your bowl.

"Y/n, just go back peacefully. He will let you out in no time. You know how dad is." You know he was right. But you are not the one in fault. Your mother asked for it.

"Last night won't happen if we only have family dinner. Why should I get punished because of that?"

"You knew you were wrong, Y/n . Grow up and fix it." Hoseok started to lose his patience, "Mom and dad fought because of you. Are you happy?"

"They always did even when I'm not around. So cut it out."

"You are so childish."

"Leave. I won't come with you."

"It's your choice, I got all the access to your cards. And this apartment will be sold."

"You are joking."

"No, dad said I can do anything as long as you go home. So I can sell this apartment. I already have the paper on my table."

"You won't dare." You poured some cereal now. He smirked. You watched his hand dancing on his phone.

"Mr. Lee, put Y/n's apartment on the market. Yeah, she won't cooperate." You freeze. He really did that, "You already got an offer. Okay, let's meet him after lunch." Hoseok grabbed your wrist, dragging you out, "Will you follow me back now?" He asked one more time.

"No." You crossed your hand. He won't dare to do this.

"Good, I was expecting that." Hoseok locked the apartment, " You know your way back. I'll block all your cards."

"You can't leave me here!"

"I just did." He left you in front of the door.

What now? You looked down to your nightgown. You wore nothing but underwear beneath this. Even your nipple looked pretty clear because of the silk material.

"Can you at least dress me in more appropriate clothes ?!" You shouted.

Hoseok didn't turn his head even a bit. He is not joking. I shouldn't piss him off in the first place. I look like a whore that just kicks out without getting paid. I can't even get my slippers. How could I walk around like this?

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