Generous Charity

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"Miss Y/n." Mr. Lee welcomed you. He looked worried. You made a big problem this time. Everything that happened in the restaurant was bad. Mrs Jung was very upset. This time Mr Han agreed to discipline you.

"Where is dad?" Nobody is around.

"Mr. Jung is in the office with your brother." You sighed.

"How about my mom?"

"Mrs Jung is having a tea party in the backyard." She invited her social group today. You could actually hear their laugh.

"Okay." You walked past him.

"Miss, you should have a rest in your room first." Mr Lee said, "The maid already cleaned your room, Mr Jung expects you to return with Hobi that day.."

"Cool." You ran upstairs. You should bathe first. Ugh, you need to be pampered. You opened your walk in closet. WHAT IS ALL OF THIS? WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES? You could not recognize all of the clothes inside.

"MR LEE !!!!" You screamed your lungs out. He came to your side hurriedly, "Where are my clothes?" You asked him, holding your rage.

"This is it, Miss. Mrs Jung, give your jeans and tops to charity."


"Charity, Miss..."

"WHO TF GIVES GUCCI FOR CHARITY!!!!" The whole closet turned into feminine clothes. You ran down the stairs, coming after your mom. You can hear her laugh in your head. CHARITY MY ASS!

Some people just don't know when they should stop.

" MOM! " All of the heads turned to you. You didn't recognize most of them.

"Ah, you are finally here, dear. " She smiles so widely to see you, "Everyone, this is my daughter. She didn't really have any manners. So please forgive her."

"Why did you do that?" Some of those clothes are new!

"Do what, dear?" She knows exactly what she is doing and what it does to you.

"My clothes! Don't pretend you've nothing to do with that!"

"We should give while we can, dear. It's all for a good cause."

"You are joking." She must be intentionally making you upset.

"No, you got whole new collections for spring. I checked and it was all beautiful. So elega- " You stomped back to your room, not wanting to hear another word from your mom. Hoseok was already there. You wanted to strangle him so bad.

"Hey, sister."

"Are you happy now?"

"I am. See, I can make you come back."

"You left me half naked, you jerk!" You jumped to him, pulling his hair.

"Oh? Really? I thought it was just the way you dressed." You were getting more upset.

Your dad cleared his throat. His 27th year old son and 21 years old daughter hit each other ruthlessly.

"I hate you." You stepped on Hoseok's feet, "DIE."

"Y/n." Your dad called you out. You cling to your dad immediately

"He left me with my nightgown in front of my door!" You told your dad. Your dad turned his head to Hoseok.

"She always dressed that way. I had no idea she was really not wearing anything." Hoseok defended himself.

"Stop it already. How do you get here?" He asked you with a concerned tone.

"My neighbor drove me." You sighed, "I stayed in his place after being locked out.."

"His? Wow." "See, he just got herself another man to play with." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"He is a decent man."

"Yeah, are you sure? Have you been checkin on his things?" Because even if he wants to turn blind eye to your crazy behavior, he can't.

"Respect your sister, Hoseok. You are not supposed to talk to her like that."

You stuck your tongue out to Hoseok , who is now glared at you in hatred.

"You too! He will be the one who takes care of you if I'm dead. Be nice to your brother."

Now you can see Hoseok sent you a sly smirk.
He is going to leave me starving for the rest of my life, isn't he?

"Dressed. We will go for dinner." Your dad left the two of you in his bedroom.

"Listen to that, bitch, you better save your money now. Because I won't give you any."

"You are dead to me, Mr. Jung Jr." You really can't tell if he was being serious or not. You got into your room again. Devastated. You picked random clothes from the closet, you were quite sure everything will perfectly suit your body anyway. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

F charity.

Mr Lee, knocked on your door, "Miss."

"Come in."

He brought in a lily bouquet and put it beside your nightstand, "It's from Mr. Kim Seokjin."

You rolled your eyes, "Put it in my parents room. He aims for their company." Another hypocrite.

"I'm quite sure he has feelings for you, Miss. He came himself to ask Mr. Jung Sr. if he could make a move for you."

"And my dad just let him?"

"We were already checking in on him, Miss."

"She must be very happy." Mr. Lee knew it was your mother you were referring to.

Taehyung's face popped out in your head. And now you could hear Yeontan barking in your ear too. Perhaps you start it wrong, but you want to make it right with him. Taehyung.. And you thought of the possibilities..

"Mr. Lee, do you believe in love?" He was startled by your strange question.

"Love?" Mr. Lee never thought you would ever mention such a thing, "I mean yes. Of course.."

"I met a guy in my neighborhood. He is nice." Mr Lee smiles.

"He must have touched your heart, Miss."

"He has been rejecting me!!" You pulled your hair in frustration.

"He has good eyes," Hoseok leaned on your door frame.

"You better sleep with your eyes open." Because you will get back at him with everything you have.

"Can you two please be nice to each other?" Your dad walked past your room. He was ready to go. You ran after him.

"Dad!" You whined.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Steak, please. I've been very hungry. See, I'm so skinny these days." Your dad chuckled to see your childish behavior.

Hoseok and Mr Lee walked behind you.

It's not that he hates you. Hoseok wanted you to take care of yourself better. He can clearly see how much your dad worries about your future. Even Mr. Jung Sr was capable of giving you anything you wanted. It was all nothing if you end up ruining yourself.

Kim Seokjin came without his family to ask for permission to get to know you. He honestly said that he was working with his team in a small medical center and still learning about business in his free time. Looking at a gentleman with such a manner genuinely said he wants to know you, of course your father agreed.

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