You just want the s*x

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"But I love you." You answered him quickly.

"I know that..."

"Then talk about it. Ask me what you want to know about me. I'll tell you everything." You hate it when he goes silent, "Taehyung..?"

"Why did you love me?"

"You are incredibly handsome."

Taehyung chuckled to hear your answer, "Thank God I have this face." He joked.

That's not just it. He stole your heart. It didn't bother you even if he never said he loves you back. It is always you who says it first. Even after several he made love to you. He never says it.

"About Seokjin..." You turned around facing him, "Our parents tried to set us up for marriage. But I didn't want it. I agreed to meet him so that my dad could let me go back here." You tried to explain as clearly as possible," I'm sure Seokjin didn't want me too. His mom didn't like me that much."

"He likes you. He brought you flowers. Y/n, I know his family. Mine is nothing compared to him." You got up from his lap. Furious.

"I don't need anything from anyone." You wished you said it louder.

"It's easy for you to say..."

"I love you. I care about you and I want to be with you." You took his hands. Holding it as tight as possible.

"You should marry a man like him. He could give everything you want..."

"What?" You wished you misheard him. Did he just..? You let go of his hand, "I'm sorry for loving you." You left for your own apartment. He hurts you. He didn't even bother to consider your feelings but also suggested you date another man.

"Y/n ." Taehyung grabbed your hand.

"You want me to date Seokjin." You yanked your hand, "You don't love me a bit. I really thought you care about me."

"I do, Y/n." Taehyung can't bring himself to touch you.

"Do you love me?" You stared into his eyes. Taehyung turned his face away.


"Even a bit. Just a tiny bit. This much." You show him a small measure between your index and thumb.

"I don't know..."

"So it was just all for sex?" Your eyes blur with tears.

"No." He denied it, "Let's just.. stop it here before..."

"You acted almighty when I offered myself to you. You are a real jerk you know. You should take it while it's free. So nobody would actually get hurt." You left him in the hallway. Locking your apartment.

Why does it feel like the world is falling apart around you? He just has you in his arms. Cuddling and kissing you sweetly. You got into your shower and turned the water on. Starting to cry until you feel numb. Screaming.


You put your blazer on and tied your hair up. You shoved your laptop to the bag. Alea was calling you like crazy since this morning. Asking you to pick her up.

Your eyes were red and swollen because of the stupid cries. You missed his embrace and soft kiss. I'm so stupid. Taehyung didn't text or call you. He's very heartless. This thin layer of wall was the only distance between the two of you however ... those lengths felt untouchable. 

He must be off to his office right now.

Taehyung probably still loves his ex fiancé. He still keeps her stuff in his place. There's no sign he would move it, burn it or do something with it. A girl who came before you. Long long before you.  You tried to bury that thought. But it always crawls back into your head.

"Hey, babe." Alea kissed your cheeks.

"Where is your car?" You asked.

"Sold it for drugs." She joked.

"Share me some." You kinda need one right now, anything to make these feelings worn out.

"Will do." Alea lit her cigarette. She opened the car window and blew the smoke out.

"Don't smoke in my car!" You hissed at her. She didn't care. She never cares.

"My mom said you will get engaged to Kim's." Alea blew another smoke out of her mouth.

"Where did she hear it from?"

"Your mom obviously." She smirked. You should've known best, you wonder what made you ask.

"Crazy bitch." Your mom and Alea are that friend. You know the one who competed about almost everything they have. Wanting to be the best and richest.

You met Alea in early high school and the two of you decided to be best friends to piss them off. Alea taught you how to smoke. You taught Alea how to drive. You had been sleeping with the same boys as her. Sharing who gave the best orgasm, biggest dick, skilled tongue and all. She is literally your partner in crime.

Your mom must be feeling so damn proud that Kim Seokjin reached for you.

"My mom was really upset about it. She aimed for him too."

"Really? What's the deal with him? Aren't we rich already? Why do we need him?" You can't stand the man. He's also not quite right on  his head. Why would he want to do something with you? Usually a normal man would avoid a girl like you.

"He is an only child, stupid. Your family will be more powerful than now."

Alea threw the short cigarette to the street and lit another one.

"Stop it!" You tried to take the cigarette from her.

"I need this now." She pushed you back to your seat, " Drive. You'll get us both killed."

"I'm an excellent driver." You were offended, "I was the one who taught you to drive."

"Yeah, I'll let the police who arrested you argue with that." She scoffed. It was a misunderstanding!! Your dad got that arranged to get you home!

"It's just one time." Alea kept repeating it every time she got a chance.

"Why is your face like that?" She's been curious since she entered the car. Your eyes were swollen. And you tried so hard to put makeup to cover them

"I got a boyfriend and we broke up." You did not want to talk about it. It ended anyway. You wondered if it could be considered a relationship. It only lasts for two days.

"Like boyfriend boyfriend? For real? I thought you weren't interested in having a relationship." Alea never attached to any relationship either, "Is he better than Kim Seokjin tho? Because don't talk shit about love to me."

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