We are not done

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"What are you doing here? Just because you have the key it does not mean you can enter any time. You are invading my privacy." You thought you heard voices coming up from the living room. You expected your brother to come sooner or later. Last night did not end well.

"I came to have breakfast with you. Mom sends lots of food."

"You come all the way here, to have breakfast with me...? Are you.. taking all of my credit cards again? Are you.. going to drag me back to the main house?"

"Mainly I come to apologize."

"Apologize?" "Wow, never heard of it from you before.."

"That jerk was harassing you and we were not taking your side last night. I'm apologize. Dad broke the contract with them. He is so upset he could not eat this morning. I hope you give him a visit or at least a call."

"It's not your fault, I bring that to myself. I used to flirt with them whenever I had a chance." You are young and like to have fun.

"Yeah, it is your fault. Glad you realize that real quick." Hobi says, "Anyway, Mom asked if you want to go shopping with her."

"Turn that down for me. I'm still angry at her." Gucci for charity. Tch.

"Okay, that's it, I'm leaving. Enjoy your meal."

"Don't you say you want to have breakfast with me?"

"Yeah, but you wake up late and I have a meeting to attend. So maybe another day, sister."


You caught Taehyung entering the building. You just got back from shopping. You chased after him. Falling in love is weird. Only the sight of him is able to make you happy. Like skipping on air.

"You are looking good in a suit."

Taehyung chuckles, "I know right?" "Where have you been?" To keep yourself busy since you are not working nor attending college yet.

"Wasting apological money." Hobi transferred some money to your account, he said your mother told him to give it to you since you did not want to go shopping with her.

"Apological money?"

"Yes, my brother came this morning to apologize. Last night I told you about dinner."

"Yes." You did ask a strange question about your family kicking you out of the apartment again.

"The son of my dad's business partner was harassing me. He grabbed my butt." You laughed. Taehyung's face turned cold. It's not a laughing matter.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know.. I think I'm embarrassed before.. But now I feel better that my family believes me." "It's not a big deal. I poured wine on him." The idea of someone else inappropriately touching you is raging. And the fact you laugh it off makes him feel even worse. 

"I want to see Yeontan." You got into his apartment. You bought Yeontan a treat. Yeontan barked to see the two of you. He jumped to you, "Miss me, little buddy?"

"I'll bathe first." Taehyung said. You felt his mood is changing after you told him about the accident. You sure it's okay. 

You played with Yeontan on the floor. You wondered if you should adopt a dog too. After a second you realize you can even take care of yourself properly.

"I'll just play with you, okay? Do you like me? I know you are!" Yeontan barked.

Taehyung came out from his room and sat next to you, his back resting on the couch. He likes to watch you play with Yeontan. He must admit he enjoyed your presence around here.

Taehyung moved closer, "He likes you."

"You think so?" You lifted your head. His face was so close. For sec the two of you only stare at each other's eyes. You could actually feel his warm breath on your face, he smells like mint, he must have brushed his teeth before.

He is so.. beautiful..

Taehyung slowly leaned on to kiss your lips.

He kissed you.. he kissed you..!!!!

You replied to his kiss immediately when you realized what's happening. Climbing on his lap, straddling him. Your arm rested around his neck. You want him to stay as close as possible. Taehyung's hands were on your waist. His kiss was intimate. He was focused on you.

"Taehyung..." You moaned between the kisses. His tongue stopped moving, "..." He parted his lips from you. You pecked his lips, "Hmm.." Wondering why he stopped. 

Taehyung lifted you up in his arms. He brought you to his bed. Your clothes fell to the floor one by one.

"This is wrong yet feels so right." His lips connected with yours again.

He undressed himself, you were biting your lower lip, you did this with another man countless times but Taehyung made you nervous. He placed himself on top of you, you spread your legs and wrapped it around him.

Taehyung kissed you before he went lower to your neck. His lips marking your skin endlessly. You moaned as his finger touched your feminine part.

"You drive me crazy..." You can feel his lips turn into a smile, "I'm sorry, but I can't wait." You pushed him aside and climbed on his hardened member.

Put it in your area carefully. Taehyung groaned. He grabbed on your hip. Now this is fun. You moved your hip in circular motion. His moans may be the most beautiful sound you have ever heard. Especially when he said your name.

You bounced on top of him as he cupped your breast. Taehyung stopped your move and he started to thrust upward into you.

You shut your eyes, enjoying the pleasure he gave you.

"I'm close, don't stop." You begged him.

"Yeah?" You opened your eyes to see he smirked. He moved faster until you gave up, no longer can hold your orgasm.

Taehyung got up and placed you under him. He was sliding his thing into you again, thrusting in merciless pace. He lowered his head to kiss your jaw. You grabbed his face and licked on his lips. He parted his lips open to let you in.

You can't even control the sound coming out from your mouth. He didn't seem exhausted for all his thrusts. That was all the work out for. Taehyung pulled out and his sperm dripped all over your stomach.

"You can come inside, I don't mind." He didn't answer. Taehyung wiped the sperm with his underwear. You rolled out the bed, but he pulled you back in.

"We are not done."

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