Engagement Ring

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"No matter how much I think of it, my daughter is very lucky." Your mother shows the ring that Kim Seokjin gave to you. It's very sparkling.

"My mother helps me to choose." Jin reply humbly.

"Why don't you arrange dinner for us tonight. We have a lot to discuss." Having Kim Seokjin as her son in law it's like raining gold in the afternoon. He's a long lost Prince Charming. Hiding himself for her daughter to find.

"I will tell my mother." He is also very polite, unlike rich snob kids these days. And above all, your mother likes  how handsome he looks.

"Oh, what am I doing here? I'll leave the two of you alone." She clearly imagines how beautiful her grandchildren will be.

You roll your eyes at her disappearing figure.

"Can you imagine having two people like that in your life?" Because you are quite sure his mother is also behaving the same. Perhaps nicer but when it comes to marriage and the future of the family, they are all the same.

"After we get married, I'll handle your mother for you." He says. He does not mind it.

"It's very nice to hear." You let out a harsh breath. Your life is just getting messier, "You don't like the ring, do you?" He is doing charity work, drives an old car, he said he is not going to use his parents money to date you. You figure this ring is not his idea.

"Yes. I picked a nice ring." With much smaller rock. His mother puts it down quickly and stares at him in horror.

"You are not engaging with that. She is a precious daughter of Jung's family. If you give them a small diamond, they'll think you are insulting their daughter." That's what she said.

That makes sense to him so he let his mother pick another one.

"I don't feel like going out to have dinner with our parents." Because they'll figure you are not interested in the wedding in two seconds.

"We can go somewhere by ourselves."

"You mean those hawkers? No, thanks. I'm going to get a manicure and massages." You decide. You are not letting him plan another date.

"I'll go with you."

"Tell my mom we are going on a date. Let her have something to talk about over dinner."

"Will do." He says.

You furrow your eyebrows, "Are you always this obedient?"

"Will you like me more if I am a bit tough?"

"No, you are doing fine." You laugh at him, "Let's go. We are using my car."

"I bring a nice car, too this time."

"To impress my mother?" Because you sure your mom loves him more than you will ever do.

"To impress you."

And it is indeed a nice ride, you pat him on the back as your approval.

Jin sits with you doing his nails and also getting a massage, it seems like he's enjoying getting pampered himself. He almost fell asleep because it was so relaxing. He's a simple and humble man...

You stared at your own hands, you did not ask for the reason Taehyung called that night.. You tell yourself it's for the best.. You decided to give it a try with Seokjin and you should keep the words to your dad.

You have been sleeping in the main house and went to college from there. Jin often comes to have conversations with your parents. You can not ignore him, you like him as a person.. As for the other thing, you are still trying.

"Do you want to visit my medical center tomorrow? I'll show you around where I work." Jin laces his fingers with yours.

"I'm not that curious..." You say.

"Then what are you curious about?" He laughs, honesty is one of your charms.

"A lot of things."

"I mean stuff about me." He had to make that clear for you.

"Oh, that's none." You stuck your tongue out.

"By any chance you were not crying when you were born. Did you come out and cuss the doctor?" You are really a mean person and it comes so naturally. He could not even hate you.

"My mom said having me is when her nightmare starts." You have been a daddy girl since day 1.

"Is that why you are not getting along with your mother?"

"We are getting along just fine as long as we are staying away from each other."

"You always have something interesting to say."

"How about you? Why do your parents only have one child?" "Did you traumatize them?"

"No." "I think they decide it will be unfair if my sibling is not as handsome as me." "Just look at my face."

"Taehyung is more handsome than you." You shouldn't bring his name into this. You just could not help it since he looks so proud of his face.

"Are you.. talking to him still?" Sometimes he wonders if you are still meeting Taehyung behind his back. He guesses stealing someone's lover is giving anxiety.

"I don't want to go home yet..." You pretend not to hear his question. The night is still early and you want to avoid your mother. You just know she'll bombard you with so many questions once you arrive.

"Let's come to my place. I'll show you around."

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