You don't deserve to be with me

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Alea watched you being quiet. She observed your face. Obviously you didn't get any sleep last night. She never saw you in this state before.

"So you think you love him?" She asked carefully. Oh, she knows your temper.

"You won't understand." You shouldn't answer her in the first place. Now you regret it so much.

"Y/n , pull yourself together. Could any man pamper you the way your dad does? Tell me he is someone from our circle." "Which company does his family have?"

"He's not like us.." Taehyung is a very simple man. He made money. You are never interested in what's inside his bank account nor what his family has. You assumed he's from a normal common family and that's it. He lives in a good place, he went to work. You are quite satisfied with it.

"Do you know how much money you spend a week? Will he be able to give you that?"

"I already have everything. I don't want anything else." You bit your inside mouth. Your dad is rich, he would pay for your stuff. You are sure he would not mind.

"You are out of your mind now." Alea laughed, she hopes you are not being serious right now.

"He makes me feel complete." What a stupid things to say after he left you broken-hearted.

"Oh, God. Do you even hear yourself?" Alea asked you to stop the car. She told you to move to the passenger seat.

"Let's just skip today and have fun. I could get you the best service." "We are free girls, Y/n . We don't need to have a relationship with any man. This is us."

The last thing you could recall was drinking in the club with Alea's friend. She introduced you to one of her foreigner fellas. That boy keeps touching and kissing your neck. He was basically forcing himself to you. No matter how hard you pushed him away. You were too drunk at the time. He was handsome with curly hair. Exactly nothing like Taehyung.

Just like you want it.

You groaned. Your throats felt sore and your head didn't seem clear as well. The room was dark, the only light on was from the nightstand beside you. Your bag and phone are there. You can't tell what time it is now. Judging by the white sheet and thick curtain.

You must be in a hotel. You felt another warm body pull you closer to him. You almost kicked him out of bed before realizing it was Taehyung .

Why is he here? Taehyung buried you in his chest. You were sure he was as naked as you. But why? You moved your body away from his.

"Y/n ?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Why are you here?" You gave him a good distance.

"...." This time he didn't look away.

"You want another sex with me? Don't you have enough?" You looked at his neck. It is covered with red marks. You caused that.

"I was looking for you... I tried to call you so many times and your friend was the one who picked up. She said you were drunk in the club."


"When I got there you were kicking some foreigner saying he should stop touching you because you got a boyfriend... But then you started to cry."

That actually sounds like you. You were relieved that you didn't go to the hotel with Alea's friend.

"I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear the other night. I didn't -"

"It was pretty clear to me. You didn't love me. You just want to have sex." You cut him out, " And you got it . Plus one now."

Taehyung pulled your body closer. His eyes were staring at you softly. It was melting your heart. His hand caressed your face gently.

"I love you. I do love you." He said, half whispering.

"No, you are not." You pushed him however he is much stronger and sober.

"I do. I love you, Y/n . You have my heart. So will you forgive me for being stupid and not realize it sooner."


"Please?" Taehyung touched your nose with his, "I love you. I'll say it as much as you want me to."

"It doesn't matter how much you say it if you don't mean all of it." You pulled away.  He stared deep into your eyes, wishing he could show you somehow how much you meant to him.

"You are right. I already break your heart. I took your love for granted. I don't deserve to be with you."

"Hey, I didn't say you don't deserve to be with me!" You just don't want to be the easy girl anymore. YOU STILL WANT HIM SO MUCH!

"Then, will you let me make it up to you..?" "You are right, I should have put away her stuff a long time ago. She is marrying one of our friends." "I will remove them for you. You can place your stuff once it's neat." "We restart everything and start from the beginning rightfully."

"You will do that for me?" I WIN.

"I'd do a lot of things for you, love."

Taehyung got up from the bed. He put on his shirt and pants. You watched his sexy back and bottom. You wonder what happened last night. He got scratched all over his back. So it must be rough.

"Let's go back. I took half a day off." You were still sitting on the bed, dizzy.

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