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"Are you fucking deaf?! I said I don't want to eat! Bring that disgusting food out!!!" You screamed at the new maid your husband just hired.

"B..but Mr Kim said you have to eat, Mrs."

"YEAH? DO I LOOK CARE OF WHAT HE SAID?" The maid lowered her head.

If it wasn't because of the high payment Mr Kim promised her. She will run away from his devilish wife. How could two different people marry each other?! Mr Kim was very handsome, polite and nice. On the other hand, his wife was brutally harsh and rude all the time. Nothing could make her happy. She complained about everything. When her husband comes home, she will whine to him like a little kid.

First time, she came. She was welcomed by Mr Kim who was ravishing and the wife in his side was very beautiful and elegant. Who knows she will be such a pain in the ass, but perhaps because she is 8 months pregnant.

Taehyung entered the house hearing you scream to the maid. She smiles bitterly coming out from the main bedroom with the food tray in her hands.

"Is she refusing to eat again?" Taehyung looked at untouched food.

"Yes, Mr Kim." She was much relieved after seeing Taehyung was home.

FINALLY, someone with heart!

"I'm sorry she gives you a hard time. I really appreciate it. Thank you." See, how could someone this kind end up with a witch like her. She must use black magic to get him..

Taehyung entered the bedroom to see you bit your own nails. Helplessly laying down on the cold velvet sheet. It was true your temper was 'sliiiiigtttly' raised since your tummy got bigger.

"Hey, baby girl.." He ruff-

"Don't touch my fckn hair, Taehyung."

"Can I get you anything, sweetheart?"

"Get this baby out from me. Can you do that? Because if you can't, shut the hell up." You scoffed.

He chuckled. He wished he could share the pain you had. But he can't so all he can do is accept that you will be less friendly around this time.

"I'll take a bath first." You could see he was tired from work. Probably he didn't eat himself but the first thing he did when he came home was check on you.

Taehyung was the most patient person you had ever interacted with. It was like he had no anger to arouse. No matter how hard you react to him, he just smiles and takes it as nothing. You sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling bad for him.

This pregnancy gave you such a hard time since the beginning. Nonstop nauseous, headache, backache, you named it. You have it all. And the doctor reassured you it was probably only for the first trimester but it was not. It kept going until you turned into an evil mistress like now.

"Babe?" Taehyung hurriedly came to your side, "Are you okay? Do you want to throw up? Is everything okay? Babe?"

"You are asking too many questions!" You yelled at him. Again.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Why are you getting up?" He asked again softly as he gently caressed your hair.

"Have you eaten yet? Did that stupid maid cook for you?" His face softened hearing your question.

"I already eat with Hoseok. Are you comfortable? Do you need more pillows?"

Taehyung helped you lay down again. He lifted your feet on his lap, "You have to eat a little. How about juice?" Taehyung massaged your swollen legs. You were about to scold again before you remind yourself that he probably had a hard day too.

"Juice sounds nice." He smiles.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second." He learned to kiss your forehead lovingly.

When Taehyung came back with the juice he made, you were already asleep. He quietly slid under the blanket beside you, kissing your temple. You made sure he knew not to wake you up when you fell asleep.


"Look at you, beautiful. Come on, tell us, is it a boy or girl?!" Hobi welcomed both of you. His family was living in the main house now. He had one beautiful daughter and a very clever son. Your father was so happy about his grandchild, he didn't want to live separately from them. So he invited Hoseok to stay around.

"Shut up." You glared at him.

"Geez! Just don't regret it when I buy you a baby girl's closet when you reveal it's a boy!" He gave up, "You don't know either, right?"

"Yeah, nobody knows." Taehyung watched you carefully. He treated you like a delicate rose petal.

Since you were suffering through the pregnancy. You told the doctor not to tell if it was a boy or girl, everyone should suffer with this secret gender.

"You too should move back here." He suggested. The main house was big enough for all of them. And with the kids around it was always noisy. Your mom loves Hoseok's daughter, she was her favorite.

"Don't you even dare to mention it to dad. I don't want to live here again." There was a certain reason. For example, Your mom gave your room to her lovely granddaughter. She helped her decorate and all the fun things she never did with you.

"You're still angry at my daughter, do you?"

Taehyung shook his head lightly to sign Hoseok to stop talking.

"I will eat that little manipulative bitch." Taehyung's face palmed himself. You had been grumpy about the room. And other things. His daughter wasn't fond of you either.

"Did you just call my daughter bitch?She is just five years old, Y/n. Get over it."

Hobi clicked his tongue, "How could you be very patient to her. I seriously want to rip her head off."

"Of course he should be very patient! This happens because he put his dick inside me!" Now that's just embarrassing, not for you. Hoseok felt bad for Taehyung.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"You better be! It's so hot here." You fan yourself.


Even your dad wishes you to be pregnant as soon as possible after the marriage. You didn't want to. One night you and Taehyung watched that stupid science thing about labor or something. Geez, that's so scary, you closed your vagina from Taehyung for weeks. Not gonna happen, dude.

Taehyung tried to talk to you about it. He won't force you to have kids if you don't want to, it was kind of relieved since he can't imagine you staying home and taking care of the baby. You can barely be responsible for yourself. And not that he didn't trust you. It was about someone else's life. So...

Taehyung wanted a child. Of course, he wanted it. Boy or girl, a soft gentle bubbly creature in the form of helpless three pound meat that is constantly crying at night, it's cool right. He could give up some of his sleep time for that or change the diapers as much as it needs. But anything for his wife. If you didn't want it. He won't ask for it. Years passed after that.

And now here we are.

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