Giving Birth

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"Aaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhh...." You screamed out of your lungs. A wave of pain was coming on and off.

"Mr Kim is on his way back, Mrs." The maid gulped. It was like you wanted to swallow her whole. Her hands were shaking as she packed the stuff you need to carry to the hospital. Taehyung already prepared some of them.

"TELL HIM I'M IN PAIN. GET HIS ASS HERE NOW!! I'm suing him after this. Just see, just see you Kim Taehyung!" You grasped on the pillow furiously.

You have felt weird since yesterday. But you ignored it since it just probably a new way for the baby for torture you. This was your first child so you had no idea what's going on.

"DID YOU CALL THE MAIN HOUSE?" She nodded rapidly, scared, "Are you mute too now?! CAN YOU USE WORDS!?"

"Yy.. yes, Mrs. Your parents will go to hospital as soon as possible." You gritted your teeth.

Taehyung walked back and forth inside the lift. I Wish it could go up faster. He could hear you scream through the phone earlier. You must be in a lot of pain. He was in the meeting with a client. Hobi was there too. He gave Taehyung a pat on the back.

"She will eat you first before my daughter."

"Ha ha , very funny."

Taehyung rushed to the door, the maid was standing there with the bags on her side.

"Did you pack everything?" He asked the maid. Taehyung wiped his sweat. Suddenly he was nervous too.

"Yes, Mr Kim."

Taehyung entered the bedroom, "Baby, come on.. I'll help you.."


"I'm sorry, babe." Taehyung guided you carefully to the lift. Everything makes you feel angry now, "I'm here now, okay.. You need to calm down a little or the doctor will be scared of you."

"I'll buy him along with the hospital."

"Of course you will do that." He chuckled.

Oh, Your dad already did that, he thought bitterly. Taehyung already called the hospital beforehand. He didn't want you to scream at everyone you see while waiting. You were not the most easy going person now, a little uncomfortable and you were ready to burn the city with fire coming out from your mouth

The nurse was already waiting with the wheelchair when both of you arrived, he walked fast beside you. Nervous wreck, he was about to be a dad. Soon. Like this soon.

"Are you going in, Mr Kim?" He was crazy popular with the nurses. Every time both of you came to check up the nurses were fighting to assist the doctor.

"What's with the dumb question, of course he's coming!" You glared at her.

"Yes, I'm coming in too." He muttered sorry to her. And yes, your temper was popular here too. There were several doctors in the room. After hearing you had hard time during pregnancy your dad wanted nothing

but assurance you will get through it safely.

The wave of contractions felt worse every time. You were exhausted, mad, angry, you wanted to scratch the pain away and pushed the baby out of you. It wasn't beautiful like those stupid advertisements.

"I SWEAR TO GOD YOU WON'T HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO SEED ME!" You grasped tightly to his hands. Taehyung wiped the sweat on your head. He never leaves your side, "WHY ARE YOU JUST LOOKING AT ME! DO SOMETHING! I'M DYING!" You yelled at the doctor.

"Baby.. it's not the time yet.." Taehyung caressed your hair.


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