I Miss You

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( music game playing )

( game shooting sounds )

"Fucking loser, get out of my way."

( more game shooting sounds )

"Damn it!" ( game ending sounds )

"Um.. em.. So, Mr Jung, about the report that send from our branch-"

"I'm going to end you all." ( music game starts )


"You can continue, don't mind my daughter." Your dad smiled at the sight of you, lifting your feet on the table, clearly having fun with him in the office even though this is not what he had in mind when he asked you to go to the office as your punishment.

You've been staying in the main house for a month. You followed your dad to his office all day and he introduced you to some of his partners. Including Mr. Kim Sr. Kim Fucking Seokjin's dad, they are a good friends.

You know his dad likes you less after the spectacular dinner. It must be unforgettable or traumatizing.

And you also see how hard Hoseok works to fit himself as your father's replacement. Everyone was doing their responsibility, except you. You were nothing but a spoiled child. Your dad surely didn't want you to worry about anything. He is still saying you don't have to work for money. He is able to support you for a very long time.

It made you sad.

The man earlier left the room, he's stupid stuttering loser. You see he's trying to peek on your skirt a couple of times yesterday, or you are just that distracting.

"Are you hungry yet, honey? Should we have lunch outside?"

"Don't bring Hobi, okay. Only two of us?" You attacked him with an irresistible wink charm.

"Sure, let's do that." He pats your head.


Today, you were driving back to your apartment. Your college will be starting soon. The old man reassured you to come regularly to the office. He wanted to see you more often. You just nodded without answering him. Kinda thought you'd miss being with him in the office.

Hoseok gave your keys back. He said he will check on you himself every week . He already had your duplicate keys. You were still refusing to talk to your mom. Seriously, who gives the whole wardrobe for freakin charity.

Your apartment was neat and tidy when you got in. Mr. Lee must be sending someone to clean all the mess. Your half eaten cereal on the table is gone. The room smells nice. You looked at the couch where you seduced Taehyung.

This couch should be burned.

You fixed your hair and make up. You wish to see Taehyung even just for a minute. It's good intention to tell him you were safely home. Plus you already bought him a cake for thanking him to drive you that day.

You were knocking at his door. You could hear Yeontan running all the way to the door by the bell in his necklace. He was barking at the door.

"It's meee." You happily said.

"I see you are back." His voice came from behind. You turned around, he's just returned from work, "You look okay." He chuckled as he opened the door, "You want to come in?" You've been living in his apartment and he doesn't think of you as a stranger anymore, you are just a kid who does not know how to operate a washing machine, the only harm you could do is being feisty.

"Yes, please!"

"I miss youuu." You raised Yeontan over your head and swung him around the air. Taehyung loosened his tie as he watched you play with Yeontan, "Did you just come back from work?" Your face reddened just to see him casually losing his tie.


"Yes." He answered you shortly.

"Hmm, I brought you cake. Please enjoy. " You put the cake on the table.

"Thank you." He seems tired.

"I should leave..." It's more like you telling yourself than him, "You have to rest." PLEASE SAY I CAN STAY!

However, Taehyung walked you to the door. You sighed in disappointment. You looked at him again.

"You didn't seem to want to leave." Taehyung chuckled, "It's not good for a man and a woman to stay in the same room alone." He ruffled your hair.

You blushed, "Why?"

"Because you are so beautiful. And I don't want to hurt you." He said kindly.

"You won't." You reassured him. You took his hand and grasped it tightly. He stared into your sparkling eyes, "About that day. I'm so drunk.. but I'm not sure either if I wouldn't do the same when I'm sober..." I'm such a bitch.

"It was a breathtaking sight. But please take care of yourself. You are ..., " He stopped for a second, "Very Attractive and you don't need to do that to get any man's attention."

"I really fell in love with you just now..." You blurt.

"Really?" He laughed at you, you are so very silly.

"You are still thinking of me as a kid, aren't you?" You sulk, he knows it clearly you have a woman's body.

"Am i?" He gives you a secretive smile. You should go back now."

"Hump!" You stomped away from him. If he is worried about being alone with you. It means he thinks of you as a girl, right? And it means you have a little chance. That thought alone makes you think you did not come back with an empty hand.

Taehyung waited for you to enter your apartment. He did draw on you.

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