It could have been worse

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"Ah, it looks good." Not only he knows how to cook, Jin also introduces you to a new flavor everytime the two of you are going out together. And you think you have already tried everything!

"Eat it this way." Jin shows you how he usually enjoys the delicacies.

"You do look like someone high in society when you do something like this." After all he was raised to be one. A side that he rarely shows.

"What did you take me for?"

"You know.. you check the price tag when you shop." You said in a low voice.

"I don't always have money in my bank account." He tends to spend his money moderately. He does not use the cards from his parents unless it's an emergency. He guesses you'll be the one who spends them later when you become his wife.

It's Taehyung. You freezed.

He comes with a few of his colleagues. He does not talk and only listens to the others. He's doing fine.. you often wish you'll run into him.. however you also know he does not go out so much if you don't ask him to. At least.. he looks healthy.. you are the one who cried and asked him to break up with you.. It's still painful.

You just hope he does not see you here. You try to focus on the food in front of you only to find your eyes keep tracing his figure again and again.

"What are you looking at?" Jin could not help but look into the direction your eyes locked into. Taehyung. No wonder you kept staring, "Should we say hi..?"

"You wanna die?"

"It's a no then." Jin chuckles. Seems like you and Taehyung really break it off... It makes him feel like a bad guy, "Let's go back then. Are you up for dessert?"

"I'm full. Let's just get out of here."

"You can go out first. I'm going to pay." Jin went to the cashier. You stride out without looking back. He bet you want to steal another glance at Taehyung from far away.

"I'm also going to pay the bill for the gentleman at that table. If they ask, you could give them my card here."

"Oh, okay."


Taehyung read the name card. Jin was here. He left the name card to leave the impression that he saw him. Did Jin eat here with you?

"If i can ask, did he come with someone else?"

"Oh, yes. He came with a female." "She looks like a celebrity.." The waiter gets that impression, you wear branded stuff head to toe. She sees many people like you, she could recognize one when she sees one.

"Ah.. Thank you.." Too bad he lost a chance to have a glimpse of you. Taehyung lowers his head. Would it be different if he refused to break up with you..? At that time, you were crying and all he wanted was to fulfill your wish so that you stop feeling hurt..


"Aren't you going to brush your teeth?"

"Not really. You have a lot of stuff now." Compared with the first time you come, "Is it because of my influence?" He has bought at least fifteen new shirts and five pairs of pants since you came. He has no idea he needs so many of them in different colors. Jin had one half dozen of white shirts and the same black pants for every occasion. He looks fine. It's comfortable. Even the nurses in the medical center know someone dressed him up lately.

"You should stop buying unnecessary things.. Your room is almost full. We should sort them up this weekend."

"What do you mean unnecessary stuff? I need this Gucci bag and did you see my new leather boots? It will look good with the jeans I bought the other day." Suddenly he feels that his house is not fit  for your shopping appetite.

"But it's hard to breathe when I sleep at night.."

"You can sleep here." "Uh, I mean.. We eventually have to get used to each other.."

"... I guess so.." You jump into his bed. Get used to each other...

You know you don't hate Jin. But if you could've chosen between Jin and Taehyung.. It's.. unfair. You have loved Taehyung since your eyes laid on him. That moment feels like ages ago.

He looks fine today, too..  What would you do if the two of you saw each other earlier today..? WIll he greet you with his tender smile? You missed his chuckle.

Your sudden silence was noticed by Jin. He could tell immediately that you are thinking about Taehyung.

"Y/n." Jin hovers over you, "How long until you let me kiss you?"

"You don't need to answer. You won't let me kiss you because you are still too in love with Taehyung." His eyes were more honest than his words "You really love him that much, huh?" He gave you a good distance.

"I do..."

"What's so good about him?" Seokjin mumbled. He clearly wonders what's so great about Kim Taehyung since he was able to make both his lovers so loyal to him. He must be pretty special.

"Why should I have a reason to love someone?" You love how he treated you so dearly. Taehyung is perfect for you. He was embracing all your weaknesses and loving you. He captured your heart and before you know it. You are already wishing he loves you back.

"You are right. I don't choose you to have a feeling for you either."

"I'm too hard to resist, aren't i?" You tease.

"You surely are." The two of you talked facing each other while laying on the bed. Seokjin is more like a friend than a boyfriend ever.

"What?" You asked as you caught him staring at you for too long.

"Can you at least let me kiss you? I don't want to regret this later." You bit your lower lip, wondering if you should let him.

"Is there anything to regret?" You barf, "Since you are into it so much.. Here.. but no tongue." You leaned forward, "A peck only."

"You are no fun. Close your eyes, please." You waited for him in a long silence to find Seokjin actually kissing your forehead. Thank you for the chance..

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