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Your head is completely blank. You've no idea what's happening. People keep talking around you. Do your hair and your make up. The wedding gown already fits your body.

You are so nervous now. Your sister in law, Hoseok's wife. Carrying her baby to check on you. She really is a big help.

"Give her some time now. I'll call you if she needs to be fixed." She shooed them, "Y/n, dear, relax okay. Taehyung is done too. He is waiting for you now."

"Yeah, Taehyung.. yes, who is he again?"

"Your husband." She patted your back softly, "You'll be alright."

"I hope so too, I'm going crazy..." Your mom suddenly enters the room.

"Can you leave us alone?" Your mom had a velvet box in her hands.

"Yes, Mom. See you, Y/n." You nodded.

What your mom did next surprised you. She took off your white heels and opened the box she brought. It's a white pearly heels.

So beautiful.

"I've never once become your supportive mother, dear. I'm sorry. Now you are all grown up and making your own family." She looked up to you.

"Thank you, mom."

"Let's not make this too emotional, I'll see you outside, dear." You stood up and hugged your mom tightly. More than you ever did.

"I love you a little now."

"Geez, this child." Your mom stepped out of the room. Now you are alone again.

The wedding march started playing.

"Y/n, are you ready?" Your dad knocked on the door.

"I am." He got in and you can see a little bit of tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, baby, you are so beautiful." He put your hand in his arm, "He is so lucky to marry my daughter."

"Dad..." You chuckled to hear your dad.

"Let's get him!" You laughed even more.

Alea and the other bridesmaid walked in front of you to enter the church. 

Then you saw him.. at the end of the aisle.

All the fights, all the stupid arguments before this were worth it. It didn't matter who designed the wedding dress, who attended the wedding party, what kind of champagne would be poured for the cheers, you didn't even look at those flowers.

You only looked at him as he locked his eyes on you too. Your nervousness was gone and you wish you could run and jump to his arm.

"Please take care of my daughter." Your dad handed you to him.

"I will."

"Hi, babe." You didn't even listen to the pastor. You just keep looking at him.

"Ehem," Taehyung chuckled and touched your hand, it snapped you back, the pastor continued, "Do you Jung Y/n take this man who now holds your hand, to be your true and lawfully husband to love, cherish, honor and protect him, to forsake all others for his sake, to cleave unto him and him only, and him forever until death shall part you?"

"I DO."

The pastor asked Taehyung to repeat after him. You were charmed by his deep voice as he vowed himself to you.

"I, Kim Taehyung, take thee, Jung Y/n, be my lawful wife, to have and to hold. From this day forward. For better or worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health till death do us part  and thereto I plight my troth."

Pastor asked for the ring as he said to you,

"Please remember, a ring is more than a symbol of your marriage. It is a seal of the vow you have made to one another. The circle of the ring is, as far as the human eye can see, a perfect circle with no beginning or end so God too, has perfect love for you and wants you to love one another in His grace never, never ending. This ring is made of precious metal. You also are precious in God's sight and now in the life of Kim Taehyung. When you are absent one from another, the presence of the ring reminds you to be faithful and to fulfill your vows to Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung took your hand carefully and put the ring on your finger as you did the same to him. You wish to hold his hand longer.

"What God hath joined together, let no man part asunder."

"For as much as Kim Taehyung and Jung Y/n have consented in holy wedlock, and have thereto confirmed the same by giving and receiving each one a ring; by the authority committed unto me as a minister of the Church of Jesus Christ, I now declare you husband and wife, according to the ordinance of God, and the laws of the state in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you Mr. & Mrs. Kim."

Taehyung pulled you closer and kissed your lips softly.

"What are you? Amateur? Use your tongue!" Jimin shouted at him.

"Geez," Taehyung glared at him.

"I love you." You adored him so much.

"I love you more." He replied.

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